

2nd COPSI on Public Sector Innovation In Facing Covid-19 Pandemic

The Competition of Public Sector Innovation (COPSI) is one of the events in which we can appreciate the public sector innovators who have given the solutions for various issues.

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The 14th Knowledge Sharing Forum (KSF) on Application of the Values of Nationalistic Viewpoint

For the purpose of promoting the understanding and knowledge on System, Technology, and Management of the Distance Education Program for the lecturers, university students, and public, Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) organized a series of activities on Knowledge Sharing Forum (KSF) at Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) in 2020 virtually

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Agreed upon the Three Principles of Higher Education, UT Signed an MoU with UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) as the pioneer in distance learning education (PJJ) has attracted the interest of the State Islamic University UIN Ar-Raniry to work together with UT.

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UT and Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN Agreed To Sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) once again gained trust from the government institutions.

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Indonesia Study From Home: Online to Offline

Covid-19 Pandemic has changed many aspects in the arrangements of the people’s life throughout the world. The people now have the obligations to proceed with health protocols for Covid-19, including reducing outdoor activities which has become a custom in their new life (new normal). Education sector is no exception and now, it must be done at home.

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Online Pedagogy and Methods To Accompany Children in Distance Learning

Covid-19 pandemic that strikes the world, including Indonesia, has forced many changes in our ways of life. The people are required to stay at home, with outdoor activities to be done to the minimum possible, as well as carry out Health Protocols for Covid-19.

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UT Toward PTN BH

Dynamic and strategic external environment needs to be quickly responded by the Indonesia Open University (UT). One way is by speedily transforming the institution into a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH).

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UT Launches Protocol Guidelines

In order to promote the success of an event to operate in accordance with the protocol rules, it demands the Indonesia Open University (UT) to have a standard reference or protocols.

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The Fourth ICDE Quality Certificate for Universitas Terbuka

Coinciding with the 36th Anniversary of Universitas Terbuka (UT) Indonesia, the Head of the Center for Education Quality Assurance, Ir. Kristanti Ambar Puspitasari, M.Ed., Ph.D. officially presented the Quality Certificate from International Council for Open and Education (ICDE) to UT ‘s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., on 4 September 2020.

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KSF 12 Discusses Four Nation Pillars

Knowledge Sharing Forum (KSF) continues and on Friday (28/8/2020), the Forum entered its 12th series. This KSF was rather extraordinary as it was held at the People Consultative Assembly Building or the Republic of Indonesia or MPR-RI and broadcast through Microsoft Teams platform and Youtube UT TV channel.

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