
Drs. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph,D.

Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D.

“The superiority of a knowledgeable man over a worshipper is the similitude of the full moon over all the stars.”

 “Pak Ojat”, as his friends and colleagues in Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) refer to Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., is a simple and down-to-earth person, who is currently serving the Rector of Indonesian Open University or Universitas Terbuka. Upon his inauguration on 26 July 2017, he has officially led Universitas Terbuka (UT) until today.

Pak Ojat was born in Sumedang, on October 26th, 1966. A Sunda-blood person, he has a unique hobby, “traveling”. What Pak Ojat means by traveling is not ordinary traveling, yet it is the academic journeys that he has made thus far, such as seminars and conferences, both national and international. When informed about the seminars/conferences that he had not taken part in, he would enthusiastically write good articles to compete in such seminars/conferences.

Regarded as a smart person since he was a child, Pak Ojat was frequently top of his class. Moreover, when earning his bachelor degree from IKIP Bandung (Institute of Pedagogy and Education Science Bandung), this true lover for fresh vegetable was the best graduate at that time. This academic accomplishment then led him to obtain a scholarship award in order to pursue and finish his diploma IV and master degree at La Trobe University, Australia. Subsequently, he earned his doctorate degree as one the awardees of the World Bank’s scholarship at Simon Fraser University, Canada. He finished his graduate and postgraduate educations with satisfactory results. Hadits narrated by Abu Dawod and At-Tirmidzi says “The superiority of a knowledgeable man over a worshipper is the similitude of the full moon over all the stars”, he has been holding unto this principle for which Pak Ojat is always desirous to study and pursue his education.

For more than 25 years, he has practically disregarded his personal life over UT’s advancement. Various job titles have been entrusted to him, the father of two. Starting from Head of Study Program, Head of the Department, and Vice Dean III at Faculty Pedagogy and Education of Indonesian Open University (FKIP-UT), Head of Distance Learning Education Program Unit – Indonesia Open University (UPBJJ-UT) Bogor, Director of the Instiute of the Development of Teaching and Examination Materials and Information System of Indonesia Open University (LPBAUSI-UT), andultimately, making his way up to the top as the number 1 person in UT. Later on in Indonesia Open University, Pak Ojat was also inaugurated as professor in 2016. In the beginning, he, having his color preference of blue and white, did not work for UT. Prior to his graduation, he had worked for a China-based private company for a year until 1990. After leaving its former employer, his services in Indonesia Open University began in the year of 1991 and ever since, he has always been there until today.

With the job title that he currently holds, Pak Ojat hopes that he would be able to contribute more for UT’s advancement. Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) really would like to see that it becomes the frontrunner in Asia for its distance education with global standards that can outreach all people, including those who live in the innermost or remote places wherein the access to enter higher education is so challenging, and therefore, the term ‘openess’ can be implemented extensively for any persons, places, ideas or thoughts, as well as the application of new ways in education implementation.

Dr. Mohamad Yunus, S.S., M.A.

”Conquering and heavenizing life.”

This is the life motto that Dr. Mohamad Yunus, S.S., M.A., the Vice Rector I of Indonesian Open University of 2017 – 2021, always bears in mind of the man who is usually referred to as Bapak Yunus.

This supple and sociable person was born in Cirebon on the date 10 November 1965, the day which was coinciding with the commemoration of the Hero’s Day or Hari Pahlawan,.

He received his bachelor degree in Indonesian Literature, from University of Indonesia or Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 1988. In 1995, he earned his master degree from Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) in Primary Education Program. Then, he also earned his doctorate degree in Curriculum Development Study Program at the Postgraduate School of Indonesia Education University or Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in 2009.

He started his career as lecturer at Indonesian Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) in 1989. In addition to his lecturing profession, Dr. Mohamad Yunus once also served a number of positions, including Deputy Dean II, Deputy Dean III, and Deputy Dean I or Faculty Pedagogy and Education of Indonesian Open University (FKIP-UT) during the period of 1998 – 2005. Not long after finishing his doctorate program, he took up a position as the Head of Distance Learning Education Program Unit – Indonesia Open University (UPBJJ-UT) Bogor, starting from 2009. Around July 2011, he was then withdrawn back to UT Head Office where he was entrusted to a job title as the Director of the Instiute of the Development of Teaching and Examination Materials and Information System of Indonesia Open University (LPBAUSI-UT). Six months later, which was in December 2011, he assumed a new job title as greater responsibilities were put on his shoulder to serve as the Deputy Rector IV (Cooperation and Institutional Empowerment Affairs).

Pak Yunus, who enjoys having and cooking traditional culinary in his spare time, has a strong impression during his tenure in Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT). In his view, UT is both unique and enjoyable education institution. It is unique because there are so many challenges and spaces for creativity and on the other hand, it is enjoyable because, even though it is a state institution, interpersonal relations among the staff and chief executives or vice versa, among others, is very liquid or harmonious, warm, and family-like. Additionally, the personnel welfare has also gained extraordinary attention. It is not less important that the indomitable courage of UT’s top executives who give unbounded trusts and spaces for creativity for the employees is so they can strive for innovations and breakthroughs, and at the same time, building strong cadre formation or succession program.

In his observation, Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) is a huge education institution with a great number of students, as well as a wide variety and extensive distribution of its students. The superiority of its IT-based services, its commitment to continuous improvement, as well as service-oriented education which emphasizes on user interests or satisfaction is something that has to be attempted, perfected, and realized.

Wakil Rektor II UT Ali Muktiyanto

Prof. Dr. Ali Muktiyanto, S.E., M.Si.


"Struggling with Challenges, Embracing Success"

Prof. Dr. Ali Muktiyanto, S.E., M.Sc., Vice Rector II, can aptly be described by the words "endeavor and pray." Affectionately known as Pak Ali, he hails from a family deeply rooted in strong religious values. This upbringing instilled in him the habit of combining his efforts with prayer. When asked about his life motto, he replied, "With hardship comes ease. Maximize effort. Pray before, during, and after the endeavor." His journey has been filled with numerous ups and downs before reaching his current position.

Pak' Ali, or 'Gus' Ali as he was affectionately called by his close friends, embarked on his career journey at UT in 2000, starting as a lecturer at FE. Over the subsequent years, he steadily climbed the ranks within UT. In 2007, he was appointed as the Head of the Accounting Study Program at the FE-UT Accounting Department. After three years in that position, he was entrusted with the responsibility of pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Indonesia.

Having grown up as the youngest among 11 siblings, 'Pak' Ali imbibed a strong sense of discipline rooted in his religious upbringing. This education served as a foundation, motivating him to consistently put forth his best efforts and achieve remarkable accomplishments from a young age. At UT, his track record is nothing short of impressive. He actively engaged in various UT development teams, earning accolades as an outstanding achievement as a lecturer and the Best Head of Study Program. His commitment to personal growth is evident through his regular participation in self-competence improvement training during his tenure at UT. Furthermore, beyond UT, he has garnered substantial experience in various organizations, frequently holding prominent leadership roles, particularly in socio-religious spheres.

Pak Ali's background and numerous accomplishments have earned him a reputation as a reliable figure suitable for occupying strategic positions. A year after completing his doctoral degree, he assumed the Assistant Director for Student Affairs role at the UT Postgraduate Program. Merely a year later, he was entrusted with the leadership of the UT Faculty of Economics until 2021. Presently, he serves as UT's Vice Rector for Finance, Manpower, and General Affairs (VR II).

Beyond his significant contributions at UT, this native of Demak, who completed his junior and senior high school in Kudus and pursued his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Bandung, is almost always willing to give lectures at recitation events when asked. He expressed his perspective on life: "Life is truly about devoutly following God's commandments; we should abide by what God desires."

Regarding his aspirations for UT, he recognizes the university's increasing public attention with its Open and Distance Higher Education System as a Cyber University, which poses both an opportunity and a challenge that must be overcome. He emphasizes the need for continuous improvement in the competence and quality of UT to flourish as a cyber University. "Thinking outside the box and staying one step ahead is essential for survival and progress," he asserted. Additionally, he believes that the best individuals benefit others most.

Dr. Paken Pandiangan, S.Si., M.Si.

Dr. Paken Pandiangan, S.Si., M.Si.


"Nothing is difficult as long as you want to try and work hard."

Dr. Paken Pandiangan, S.Si., M.Si. hails from North Tapanuli and has a penchant for delving into Discovery Books about the intricate workings of the universe's formation.

Dr. Paken Pandiangan, S.Si., M.Si., on July 31, 2023, was appointed as Vice Rector for Information Systems and Student Affairs, where previously he served as Director of the Postgraduate School for the 2023-2028 term on May 8, 2023, Chair of the LPPMP-UT for the 2021-2025 term on March 24, 2021. Previously he served as Head of the Center for Teaching Materials Management (Puslaba-UT) from 2009 to 2021.

He embarked on his journey at UT by joining as a faculty member in the Physics Education Study Program within FKIP-UT, a role he has held since 1997 up to the present time. In addition to his primary teaching responsibilities, he has taken on supplementary roles, including his tenure as the Head of the Physics Education Study Program at FKIP-UT from 2003 to 2007. This was followed by his service as the Director of UT Batam for two distinct terms, spanning 2008 to 2012 and 2021 to 2016. Furthermore, he assumed the position of Director at UT Ambon from 2018 to 2022.

Embracing the life philosophy, "Challenges are surmountable through determined effort and diligent work," this individual, affectionately known as "Pak Paken," has consistently achieved recognition as the most accomplished and swiftest achiever throughout his educational journey. He completed his high school education at SMA Negeri 1 Muara Bungo Jambi (1987-1990) and secured admission into the Undergraduate Program in Pure Physics at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) without undergoing the Regional Superior Seeds Achievement Selection (PBUD) exam. Notably, he graduated at the top of his class and in record time (1990 – 1995). Moreover, he was granted a government scholarship to pursue a Master's degree (S2) in Theoretical Physics and Computing at ITB Postgraduate from 2001 to 2003. He excelled as the highest-achieving graduate, completing the program in just 1.5 years. But the journey didn't end there. In 2014, Pak Paken was awarded a scholarship for his Doctoral studies in Science Education at the State University of Surabaya. Within a remarkable span of 3 years, he completed his doctorate with honors, earning the prestigious Cum Laude distinction in 2017.

In terms of his personal life, Dr. Paken Pandiangan, S.Si., M.Si. is married to Dumaria Simanullang, S.Kep., who comes from the healthcare field. From this marriage, Mr. Paken has been blessed with two children. The first child, Adriel Omarpadu, aged 21, is currently in the final semester of Officer School Education at the Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, University of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia. He is pursuing a degree in Military Informatics Engineering. The second child, Jeremiah Upgal, is ten years old and is about to enter the fifth grade in elementary school.

With the position he is currently entrusted with, Pak Paken hopes that UT will become a world-class university that can provide access to quality distance higher education for all Indonesian citizens, both those who live in all corners of the country and remote islands, urban areas, as well as Indonesian citizens who domiciled in various countries abroad.

Rahmat Budiman, S.S., M. Hum., Ph.D.

“The blessings God grants us would suit the properness to His slaves. Then, make ourselves appropriate to receive His best gifts!”

Rahmat Budiman started taking up his office as the Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership Affairs of Universitas Terbuka since 2 February 2021. In addition to serving as the UT’s Vice Rector, he is also concurrently serving as the Secretary General of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) for the period of 2020-2022 who is tasked in the secretariat of AAOU.

Usually referred to by his nickname “Rahmat”, he finished his bachelor’s degree education in University of Pakuan in the department of English Literature and he then continued his education to a master program at the University of Indonesia specializing in linguistics, and he graduated with Cum Laude. Furthermore, he earned his Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) from the University of Dundee, the United Kingdom, where he was awarded the scholarship from the World Bank. Born in Bogor on the 16th day of January in 1971, also a formidable lover of bitter tea and coffee, he has worked his way up in Universitas Terbuka since 1999 starting as the Secretary of the Department of Linguistics and Literature, which was then followed by other positions, such as the Head of the Department of Linguistics and Literature at the Faculty of Law, Social Science and Political Science or FHISIP UT, the Official in Charge of Protocols and International Relations at the Center for the Development of International Relations and Partnership (PPHIK), and further, he served as the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Law, Social Science and Political Science (FHISIP) and currently, his office is the UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership Affairs.

According to him, his work experience in UT has made him a highly professional person with a tremendous amount of empathy. “In addition to living overseas, I from time to time went to visit various other places, from Sabang to Sorong, and even to one of the outermost islands, Tahuna. I strongly believe that education is one way to improve the people’s standard of living.”

The father of two daughters always meticulously keeps the neatness and fitness of his appearance. He added that he has a personal fashion stylist, who is his wife.


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