
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training is designed to improve the in-service teacher professional skills, including the abilities, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. The faculty has eleven undergraduate study programs as follows:
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary School Teacher Education
  • Indonesian Language and Literature Education
  • English Language Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Biology Education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Physics Education
  • Pancasila and Civic Education
  • Economics Education
  • Educational Technology Education

and three Master’s programs:

  • Master’s program in Mathematics Education
  • Master’s program in Basic Education
  • Master’s program in English Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Technology is open to high school graduates and experienced professionals.
The faculty has five undergraduate study programs:
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Biology
  • Agribusiness
  • Regional and City Planning

and one Master’s program:

  • Master’s program in Fisheries Management
Faculty of Economics
Like the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Economics is open to high school graduates and experienced professionals.
The undergraduate study programs offered are as follows:
  • Economic Development
  • Management
  • Accounting

one Master’s program:

  • Master’s program in Management

and one Doctoral program:

  • Doctoral program in Management Science
Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences is open to high school graduates and experienced professionals.
There seven undergraduate study programs offered by the faculty.
  • Business Administration
  • Public Administration
  • Law
  • Government Science
  • Communication Science
  • Library Science
  • English Language and Literature
  • Sociology

Meanwhile, the faculty also offers two diploma programs:

  • Diploma four in Archive
  • Diploma three in Taxation

one Master’s program:

  • Master’s program in Public Administration

and one Doctoral program:

  • Doctoral program in Public Administration
Certificate Programs
In addition to programs contained in the Faculty, Free University also offers certificate programs among which, Village Government Administration Certificate Program, BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers), Schools, Administration Certificate Program, Certificate Program Statistics for Apparatus Village Government, Regions Financial Accounting Certificate Program and Scientific Work Certificate Program for Teachers.


Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA-UT)

Indonesian Language Program (ILP) or Program Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA-UT) is a certificate program for non-native speakers of Indonesian language. It is designed and administered by Universitas Terbuka (Indonesia Open University) to facilitate non-native speakers who wish to learn and improve proficiency in the language, yet, without having to physically attend the conventional classroom.

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