

The government of Indonesia made some effort to improve the qualification of junior and senior high school teacher training through face-to-face mode.


Directorate General of Higher Education at Ministry of National Education, with some assistance from a number of teacher training colleges (IKIP), implemented distance education for teachers.


Universitas Terbuka was established as the 45th state university. 50,000 students enrolled in various of study programs in four faculties.

1986 - 1996

UT applied a new operational system in which student service was decentralized at regional offices as technical implementing unit of services. Tutorials were broadcast on TVRI and RRI that could reach students all over Indonesia and by satellite. UT intensively used and developed technology of information and communication both to develop learning and test materials, management and student service.


The number of registered students was 180,000.


The number of registered students was 350,000.


UT adopted its Development Plan 1998-2008 which contained its vision as a center of excellence in implementation, research, development, and information dissemination of open and distance education in Indonesia.


The Quality Assurance System Implementation team was formed.


The Quality Assurance System was formally publicized.


Quality Assurance System was officially launched.


UT was audited by International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) where it was then awarded The ICDE Quality Certificate and International Accreditation.


UT was conferred the certificate of ISO 9001:2000 on Learning Material Service.


UT once more secured the certificate of ISO 9001:2000 on Academic Development and ISO certificates on Distance Learning Service in 11 its regional offices. UT also became the first winner in the implementation of e-learning at the national level. At the international, UT also gained recognition from Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU). UT Rector was elected President of AAOU and President of ICDE.


UT launched intra-net based examination system.

  • UT got the certificates of ISO 9001:2000 on Academic Administration Service, ISO 9001:2008 on Promotion/Cooperation, and ISO 9001:2008 on System of Distance Learning Service by regional offices.
  • UT received the first quality review by ICDE.
  • UT had more than 650,000 students and categorized as a mega university.

UT started to do bureaucracy reform, improve the quality of its academic products, build working facilities, build and renovate office buildings, and continue to enhance cooperation with a lot of parties. This reform started with refinement at policy level. UT revised its vision by adding to it more coverage areas and year of achievement.


UT launched paid online book application.

  • UT received the second quality review by ICDE.
  • UT offered fully online programs.
  • UT received ISO 9001:2015 on Academic Management for 34 study programs, and in 2018, UT received ISO 9001:2015 on Management of Distance Learning for 38 regional offices.
  • UT launched a digital learning material application in android format.
  • UT has been moving towards a cyber university.
  • UT launched a web-based online examination system
  • UT developed e-audit for Distance Learning Management.

410 learning materials have been converted to EPUB format.


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