Exploring the Potential of AI in the "AI for Education" Webinar

In a continuous effort to provide access to education for all, the ICE Institute proudly presents a webinar series titled "AI for Education." The event, scheduled for Monday, August 21, 2023, will be conducted online through the Zoom platform and UT-TV YouTube channel.

Prof. Ir. Nizam (Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology) expressed in his opening remarks his hope that this event will encourage educators and education practitioners to maximize the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, while not neglecting the important value of academic integrity.

Panju Wasmana (CTO of Microsoft Indonesia), as the keynote speaker, dissected various aspects of AI utilization in the context of education during his presentation. Mr. Panju highlighted how this technology can have a significant impact on measuring progress and learning development. He further invited the entire audience to understand the substantial potential of AI technology in opening opportunities for highly specific (personalized) learning models for each individual.


The "AI for Education" event provides a golden opportunity for educators, teachers, and education enthusiasts to deeply appreciate the advantages of AI technology in driving innovation and positive change in the learning process. The innovative spirit of the ICE Institute hopes that this event will be a significant step in shaping a future of education that is more adaptive and inspirational.