The Groundbreaking of the Construction of Universitas Terbuka’s Building in Denpasar

Universitas Terbuka as the pioneer of open and distance higher education in Indonesia, which is the 45th Government-Owned State University, continues to seek to realize its vision to become a world class Open and Distance University or Perguruan Tinggi Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh (PTTJJ). Through its Distance Learning Education Units or Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh (UPBJJ) throughout Indonesia, Universitas Terbuka has contributed to the fulfillment of higher education needs for all social strata in Indonesia, including for the people of Bali with the construction of the Universitas Terbuka’s Office Building in Denpasar. The people’s enthusiasm is rather high in pursuing their higher education with Universitas Terbuka. In Bali’s region, Universitas Terbuka Denpasar has a total of 29,094 alumni and currently, there are 6,331 students enrolled with the University from the region. Flexible learning system gives the opportunity to the people in general to access the state’s higher education services anytime and anywhere with no restriction of other activities as well as the professions of the students.

In response to the high level of interest of the Balinese people in pursuing their higher education with Universitas Terbuka, Universitas Terbuka deems necessary to construct a new building there as one way in order to optimize the quality and provision of learning services and facilities for the students as well as in order to support the achievement of freedom of study (merdeka belajar).

On Monday, 7 June 2021, Universitas Terbuka Denpasar held a Groundbreaking ceremony for the Construction of Universitas Terbuka Building in Denpasar. The ceremony was attended in person by Vice Governor of Bali, Mister Prof. Dr. Ir. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, M.Si. and the Officials of the Government of Bali Provinces as well as Local Prominent Figures. One of the agenda of the ceremony was the Procession of the First Stone Laying or Prosesi Peletakan Batu Pertama performed by the Vice Governor of Bali Province, Deputy Mayor of the City of Denpasar and the Rector of Universitas Terbuka as a symbol that the construction process has just started. The event was held in compliance with the health protocol in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The New Building of Universitas Terbuka Denpasar is erected on a land lot of 9,950 m2 on Jalan Raya Sesetan, Denpasar. It is estimated that the construction stage will be fully completed by 2022. Currently, Universitas Terbuka Denpasar is still providing its regular education services from its office located at Jalan Gurita, No. 11, Sesetan, Denpasar. Universitas Terbuka Denpasar expects that the construction process of the building will run smoothly until its full operation so that it will be able to further assist the local governments in creating good quality and highly competitive future generation.

In the event, there was also the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between Universitas Terbuka Denpasar and the Government of the Regency of Klungkung. The signing of the MoU is one form of the implementation of Three Basic Principles of Universities or Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi of Universitas Terbuka Denpasar. In addition, through such activity, it is expected that harmonious synergy can be formed between both parties and can support in order to improve of higher education quality in favor of the people of the Regency of Klungkung.