


The Summit of the 37th Anniversary Dies Natalis of Universitas Terbuka

The summit of the 37th anniversary or Dies Natalis of Universitas Terbuka (UT) and UT’s National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni Nasional UT) 2021 with the theme “Human Resources Building of Excellence through Digital Learning Ecosystem” was followed by the UT’s personnel, committee members, students, participants of Disporseni Nasional UT 2021, and the representatives

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North Kalimantan Governor Officiated New Building of UPBJJ-UT Tarakan

As one effort to improve the quality of services and accessibility, especially in North Kalimantan Province and its vicinity, Universitas Terbuka (UT) has built the office of Distance Education Program Unit of Universitas Terbuka Tarakan (UPBJJ-UT Tarakan). The building is located at Jl. Mulawarman No.234, Karang Anyar, Tarakan Barat, the City of Tarakan and has been officially inaugurated.

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The Groundbreaking of the Construction of Universitas Terbuka’s Building in Denpasar

Universitas Terbuka as the pioneer of open and distance higher education in Indonesia, which is the 45th Government-Owned State University, continues to seek to realize its vision to become a world class Open and Distance University or Perguruan Tinggi Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh (PTTJJ).

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Defining the Roles of Universitas Terbuka Students Living Abroad in Independent Campus

Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka or Pusat Pengelolaan Mahasiswa Luar Negeri - Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT) together with study groups or kelompok belajar (pokjar) in Hongkong took initiatives in organizing the webinar that brought up the theme “Defining the Roles of Indonesia Open University Students Living Abroad in Independent Campus or <

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Synergize through the Management Review Meeting

Universitas Terbuka (UT) as a university that consistently implements an internal quality assurance system, periodically conducts a Management Review Meeting (RTM) in the field of Distance Learning Management.

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