The Summit of the 37th Anniversary Dies Natalis of Universitas Terbuka

The summit of the 37th anniversary or Dies Natalis of Universitas Terbuka (UT) and UT’s National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni Nasional UT) 2021 with the theme “Human Resources Building of Excellence through Digital Learning Ecosystem” was followed by the UT’s personnel, committee members, students, participants of Disporseni Nasional UT 2021, and the representatives of both state and private partner universities (PTN/PTS) online via Zoom Meeting and live streaming UT-TV.

In his talks, the Chairman of the Committee of the UT’s 37th Anniversary, Dr. Sofjan Aripin, M.Si., reported that the conduct of the summit of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis strictly observed the health protocols for Covid-19 pandemic. He extended his appreciation to and congratulated the participants of Disporseni Nasional UT 2021 who have taken part in the festivity of the university’s anniversary.

In the mean time, the Chairman of the UT’s Senate, Prof. Dr. Chanif Nurcholis, M.Si., congratulated the elected UT’s Rector for the Office Term of 2021-2025 as well as appreciated the performance of the Rector Selection Committee. In its 37th anniversary, he told UT to continue to innovate so as to allow it to cope with various challenges in order to educate the people and nation through the world class distance education.

In the summit of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis, UT received various greetings and congratulations from Indonesian dignitaries. Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, Asean Eng., congratulated UT for its 37th Dies Natalis and wished that UT would continue to be consistent in the development of digital learning ecosystem from Sabang (West) to Merauke (East) in providing higher education access to all. In his remarks, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A., expressed his gratitude for UT which has existed in the last 37 years for Indonesians by providing them the education services with no class rooms and providing unlimited quality education.

The Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), H. Bambang Soesatyo, SE, M.B.A., gave his speech and congratulated for the University’s 37th Dies Natalis to all civitas academica of Universitas Terbuka. In his speech, the Chairman of MPR RI appreciated the important roles that Universitas Terbuka has. Since its establishment in 4 September 1984 until its 37th anniversary, Universitas Terbuka has made significant contribution to the people of people and nation in Indonesia via open and distance education (PTTJJ). He also appreciated the accomplishment that UT gains as it becomes the pioneer of distance education. He hopes that UT gains more success in human resources development (HRD) in Indonesia. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency H. Makruf Amin, also congratulated UT for its 37th Dies Natalies and appreciated UT which has assisted the government by taking part in promoting and accelerating the mitigation of Covid-19 pandemic, especially in distance education.

The summit of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis, UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., gave his remarks on the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis. In his address, UT’s Rector stated that the significant contribution that UT has made for the advancement of higher education in Indonesia, especially by performing its main mission to open up the access to quality higher education for all social strata in the society as symbolized by UT’s philosophy “making higher education open to all”. With such wide range of accessibility which is 39 Distance Education Program Units (UPBJJ) and 1 International Students Services Unit, UT is expected to be able to serve all UT’s students both throughout Indonesia and overseas, including the students who live in the Underdeveloped, Foremost, and Outermost Regions (3T).

Various breakthroughs have been made such that the UT academic quality and dignity can still be upheld. Tutorial Webinar (Tuweb) is the most popular service during this pandemic which complement to the online tutorial services asynchronously which has long been adopted by the students of UT. Learning Management System (LMS) as the important platform for distance learning continues to be upgraded and customized so that it is more appealing and eminent. UT also has web-based online examination which can be taken by the students, including those who are taking the examination for Final Assignment of the Study Program during this pandemic. The most recent breakthrough is that UT has also successfully developed SUO which is supplemented by online proctoring which will then make it easier for the students to take the exams.

In the summit of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis, the Award of Museum Record of Indonesia or MURI was proudly presented for three categories, which are 1) the university with most number of alumni; 2) the university with the most expansive outreach or accessibility; 3) the university with most number of graduates passing civil servant candidate selection process in 2019 recruitment.

UT has also established collaboration with PT. Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Satui in human resources building and higher education services. The signing of the cooperation agreement between the Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership, Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D., and Mine Manager, Cipto Prayitno, was witnessed by the UT’s Rector Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D.

In the summit of the Dies Natalis, there was also a premiere launching of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis book titled “Building Human Resources of Excellence through Digital Learning Ecosystem”. This book contains various accomplishments and breakthroughs or innovations made by UT in the development of the digital learning ecosystem. The summit was also rejoiced by the stage of Cak Lontong and the performance of traditional local dances.

The summit activity of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis is also the conclusion of a series of Disporseni Nasional UT 2021. As one part of the serial activities of the UT’s 37th Dies Natalis, Disporseninas UT in 2021 takes its theme on “Improving Student Success through Integrity, Sportmanship, and Creativity”.