UT Toward PTN BH

Dynamic and strategic external environment needs to be quickly responded by the Indonesia Open University (UT). One way is by speedily transforming the institution into a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH). The change of strategic external environment demands UT to be a higher education institution which is more agile organization and constantly learning organization, so that it would be able to carry out innovation and adaptation.

In order to anticipate the transformation of UT into such State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTN BH), UT launches the direction and socialization programs of UT’s transformation toward a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTN BH) on-line by Microsoft Teams, Thursday (1/10/2020). In his presentation, UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., said that one efforts that UT makes in improving its quality and competence by changing its status from State Higher Education Institution of Public Service Agency or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Layanan Umum (PTN PK BLU) to State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH).

The legal basis which serves as the foundation for the step is the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 88 Year 2014 regarding Transformation of State Higher Education Institution (PTN) to State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH) and the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture Year 4 Year 2020. As it is known that the autonomy status for the State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTN BH) may be given in form of the liberty to manage and develop itself in more flexible, quality and competent fashions. This is in accordance with the study results on 11 Universities or PTN that have transformed into State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTN BH), which suggested that such autonomy status brought about positive impacts. Therefore, throughout its extensive journey in providing distance education services for 36 years, UT is expected to be able to transform itself to a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH).

This activity invited the resourceful person the Director General of Science and Technology Institutions of Higher Education or Kelembagaan IPTEK DIKTI, Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng. Sc. He stated that transforming into a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH) gives the freedom in the implementation of financial autonomy and personnel autonomy. He also said that as a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTN BH), the university needs to pay attention to the values of accountability, transparency, better performance, greater autonomy, stronger financial aspects, and in addition, it can also utilize the assets wisely. In order to uphold the transparency value, in the future, UT is obliged to broadcast or announce its annual financial statements in both the national media and UT’s media.

Patdono expected that, with the UT’s class promotion to the State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity or Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH), UT would also move up to a higher class with respect to its greater and broader autonomy with the consequence that it would have in all aspects and better performance, so that UT can gain international recognition. This socialization continued with a discussion session together with the presenter.