2nd COPSI on Public Sector Innovation In Facing Covid-19 Pandemic

The Competition of Public Sector Innovation (COPSI) is one of the events in which we can appreciate the public sector innovators who have given the solutions for various issues. This activity was proposed by the Study Program of Public Financial Accounting-Indonesia Open University or Akuntansi Keuangan Publik (AKP-UT) and the Association of Public Sector Accounting Educators (APSAE) since 2019. The 2nd COPSI has been successfully convened throughout Sunday-Thursday/01-05 November 2020. The event is part of the serial events of the 3rd International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Science and Technology (ISBEST),  an international seminar annually organized by Faculty of Economics of the Indonesia Open University (FE-UT).

During the Covid-19  pandemic, Faculty of Economics of the Indonesia Open University remains productive in disseminating the results of its studies and researches online to the public in general and one of which is by holding the 3rd ISBEST and 2nd COPSI online. In order to create public optimism during the Covid-19 pandemic, the theme presented in the 2nd COPSI  was “Public Sector Innovation in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The activity of 2nd COPSI  was cosponsored by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria Malaysia & District Society (ICAN-Malaysia), Association of Public Sector Accounting Educators (APSAE), the Forum of Public Accounting Lecturers or Forum Dosen Akuntansi Publik (FDAP) as well as Indonesian Association of Public Accountants or Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI), and in addition, the event was followed by 12 finalists from various groups of people.







Antares Firman

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka

Smart Procurement Management Information System


Eko Sumartono

University of Dehasen Bengkulu and the Association of Young Lecturers in Bengkulu

Education Park for Healthy Vegetable Fruit (SMS) For Community During Covid-19? "Chantelan" Is the Solution


Nuur Rahayu, S.Psi

Study Counseling and Observatory Place "Pondok Dheling"

Tale of Siluet Bubuksah and Gagang Aking


Murlina, S.Sos, MM

Communication and Information Office (KOMINFO)

Regency of Blitar



Dian Anita Nuswantara


TAX Center UNESA supporting Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Program through UNESA TV


Vero Deswanto

University of Mercubuana Jakarta

Remote Priority Quality Service Audits of Public Entities During the Pandemic


Hani Lina Nadwah, SIP, MIP

Regional Government of the City of Metro

Pringsewu District Government, Innovation Promotion of MSME Products Affected by Covid 19


Muhammad Ros Dien Shidiq

Submitted as a society



Indri Joane

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka

UT Reading and Writing


Wahyu Sidiq Anwar S.

Accountancy House or Rumah Akuntansi

Tools for Quality Standards in Financial Accountability for Villages using VILLAGE FINANCE BINOCULARS or TEROPONG KEUANGAN DESA (TERKUDES)


Alki Adi Joyo Diharjo


Wedding Virtual


Dr. Iskandar Muda, SE, M.Si, Ak, CA, CRP, CPA

University of North Sumatera

Financial Report Applications for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES)


The 2nd COPSI activities started with the selection process of the incoming documents (desk evaluation) held on 01 November 2020, and it was then followed by the next selection stage with the online presentation by the participating contestants on 02 November 2020. In this activity, the participants presented their innovations interactively on videos of their innovation products. The presentation was provided with the details or explanations, consisting of the motivation for making such innovation products, the benefits or advantages of the innovation products, the originality of innovation products, the methods of innovation development as well as  the testimony of the people who have used such innovation products in accordance with the assessment criteria for the 2nd COPSI. In addition, the audience also could personally give their support by taking part in the polling where they can choose their favorite participants and expressing their supports by hand-clapping on the ZOOM layer in order to support their innovation products that they think most benefitting.

Through this 2nd COPSI, the participants could also obtain some valuable inputs to continue their innovation so the products can be more beneficial for the people. There are five members of the board of jury, consisting of: Dr. Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson Popoola (Assistant Professor of Universiti Utara Malaysia), Moh. Mahsun, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CA., CPA (Director of Association of Public Sector Accounting Educators  or APSAE), Dr. Rida (Chairman of Forum of Public Accounting Lecturers or Forum Dosen Akuntansi Publik or FDAP), Noorina Hartati, SE, M.Si. (Head of Study Program of Public Financial Accounting- the Indonesia Open University or Akuntansi Keuangan Publik or AKP-UT) and Prof. Ginta Ginting (Professor of Faculty of Economics-UT). This activity was even more rousing by the online announcement of 5 (five) winners in the 2nd COPSI on 05 November 2020. The winners would receive fund assistance for the development of their innovative products so they can create more added values  for the people in general. The competition winners are:



Innovation Product


Agency or Institution


1st Winner

Smart Procurement Management Information System

Antares Firman

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka


2nd Winner

Tale of Siluet Bubuksah and Gagang Aking

Nuur Rahayu, S.Psi

Study Counseling and Observatory Place "Pondok Dheling"


3rd Winner

Financial Report Applications for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES)

Dr. Iskandar Muda, SE, M.Si, Ak, CA, CRP, CPA

University of North Sumatera


4th Winner

Wedding Virtual

Alki Adi Joyo Diharjo



5th Winner

TAX Center UNESA supporting Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Program through UNESA TV

Dian Anita Nuswantara



Favorite Winner

Smart Procurement Management Information System

Antares Firman

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka

It is expected that the 2nd COPSI would transform into a good culture in order to appreciate the innovations that the people have created and developed, as it is by the people, from the people, and for the people so that it would establish a civilized society. For more information please see further on: https://sl.ut.ac.id/isbest3-uttv2020