UT Launches Protocol Guidelines

In order to promote the success of an event to operate in accordance with the protocol rules, it demands the Indonesia Open University (UT) to have a standard reference or protocols. The Center for the Development of International Relations and Partnership or Pusat Pengembangan Hubungan Internasional and Kemitraan (PPHIK) under the Office of UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Cooperation Affairs or Wakil Rektor Bidang Pengembangan Institusi dan Kerjasama develops the Protocol Guidelines within the Indonesia Open University’s premises. Such guidelines were officially launched by UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., in the Launching and Socialization of Protocol Guidelines which was organized on-line in the Microsoft Teams platform, Tuesday (22/9/2020).

The Handbook of Protocol Guidelines within the Premises of the Indonesia Open University is the annex to the Regulation of Rector Number 421 of 2020 on the Protocol Guidelines in the Indonesia Open University. By the issue of such guidelines, it is expected that the guidelines would serve as reference that supports the smooth operation of various formal activities in UT as well as to maintain the dignity of UT’s chief executive officers. The preparation of the guidelines refers to the Regulation of Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number 65 Year 2017 regarding Protocol Guidelines within Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

The event was attended by 120 participants from various work units in the UT’s Head Office and Distance Learning Education Program Units – the Indonesia Open University or UPBJJ-UT. In his speech, Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Cooperation Affairs or Bidang Pengembangan Institusi and Kerja Sama, Dr. Liestyodono Bawono Irianto, M.Si expressed his gratitude as the dream and hope of the executive chairmen of the Indonesia Open University (UT) that it provided the standard reference for the conformity and uniformity of protocol activities within UT can be realized. It is also hoped that these guidelines can be used to its fullest extent as the reference in the implementation of regular activities both in the UT’s Head Office and the Distance Learning Education Program Units – the Indonesia Open University or UPBJJ-UT.

UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., also said that for its concerted efforts and hard works, UT has grown rapidly and becomes the reference for other universities in organizing distance higher education. In line with the development of the Indonesia Open University (UT), other universities or higher education institutions have set up cooperation with UT. UT’s Rector showed his pride and expressed his appreciation to all the UT’s leaders and staff members who have put their serious efforts in conducting various activities, such as the signing of the cooperation agreements with the government and other institutions. In the future, UT needs dependable people who have broad knowledge on UT, etiquette of mature social relations, and are able to provide good services as well as solution for every problem encountered.

This activity presented two resourceful persons or presenters virtually; they are Head of Ceremony Support Sub-Division of the Secretariat Office of the President, Simson Leider Nadeak, S.Sos., M. Pub. Pol., and Deputy Dean for Student and Cooperation Affairs - Faculty Law, Social Science and Political Science (FHISIP), Rahmat Budiman, Ph.D., as well as Head of the Center for the Development of International Relations and Partnership or Pusat Pengembangan Hubungan Internasional and Kemitraan (PPHIK), Dr. Sri Sediyaningsih, M.Si., who was acting as the moderator.

In his presentation, the first presenter, Simson Leider Nadeak explained that Law Number 9 of 2010 regarding Protocols provides that the protocol regulations are intended to pay tribute and give honor to the state officials, government officers, envoys of foreign countries, or international organizations or country guests according to their respective titles or positions within a country or government and society. In addition, the guidelines for organizing an event or ceremony will allow orderly, smooth, and well-organized conduct of such activity in accordance with the standard rules and custom which are applicable, either nationally or internationally, and will ultimately create international good relationship and social order.

The second resourceful person, Rahmat Budiman, focused on the protocol implementation within the Indonesia Open University (UT), such as the layout or preseance (tata tempat), ceremonial rules (tata upacara), and acclamation ceremonial rules (tata penghormatan) for the guests in accordance with their titles and positions. He emphasized that the protocol guidelines are also flexible which can be adjusted according to conditional circumstances in each room within the UT’s Head Office and the Distance Learning Education Program Units – the Indonesia Open University or UPBJJ-UT, provided that it should always pay attention to the protocol principles. This socialization activity is concluded with participatory discussion together with the presenters.