

Webinar and Essay Contest Held at 31st IKA UT Anniversary

Celebrating its 31st anniversary, the Alumni Association of Indonesia Open University or Ikatan Alumni Universitas Terbuka (IKA UT) organized a webinar, titled "Harmony in Diversity To Realize National Brotherhood Based on Just and Fair Economy or Harmoni Dalam Keberagaman Mewujudkan Kerukunan Nasional Berbasis Ekonomi Yang Berkeadilan".

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16th KSF Brought Up the Theme on Public Sector Good Governance and Accountability

Knowledge Sharing Forum (KSF) activities which are regularly organized by Universitas Terbuka (UT) entered its 16th series of the program. This time, the program brought up the theme on "Good Governance and Accountability of Public Sector: Finding the Formats of Public Accountability of Local Governments" held online through Microsoft Teams Live platform on Thursday (18/3/2021).

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UT Held its First Covid-19 Vaccination for Elderly

Universitas Terbuka (UT), through UT’s Polyclinic in cooperation with the Health Office of the City of Tangerang Selatan held the 1st phase of Covid-19 vaccination on Wednesday (17/3/2021). The Covid-19 vaccination was implemented for the purpose of preventing Covid-19 breakouts within the premises of Indonesia Open University’s Headquarter.

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FY 2021 National Workshop and FY 2022 Budget Plan Preparation: Redesign of Digital-Ecosystem-Based Budgeting System for Budget Optimalization

UT’s National Workshop and Meeting or Rakernas Universitas Terbuka 2021, looked different as it was held amid Covid-19 Pandemic.

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Universitas Terbuka Media Gathering 2021

Covid-19 Pandemic does not prevent Universitas Terbuka (UT) from maintaining close relationship all times with its media partners which was done through "Media Gathering", on Tuesday (2/3/2021).

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UT Virtual Visit to RRI Editor Office

The Covid-19 Pandemic does not discourage UT to establish close relationship and collaborate with others. Indonesia Open University made a virtual visit to the Editor’s Office of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia or Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) through Zoom Meeting platform on Tuesday, 9 February 2021.

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Defining the Roles of Universitas Terbuka Students Living Abroad in Independent Campus

Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka or Pusat Pengelolaan Mahasiswa Luar Negeri - Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT) together with study groups or kelompok belajar (pokjar) in Hongkong took initiatives in organizing the webinar that brought up the theme “Defining the Roles of Indonesia Open University Students Living Abroad in Independent Campus or <

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Rector Had Virtual Chatting "Ngovibrek" Ngobrol Virtual Bareng with Students

Universitas Terbuka held a Virtual Chatting program, called "Ngovibrek" or Ngobrol Virtual Bareng by the Rector and Students on Monday, 25 January 2020 through Zoom Meeting.

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1st Graduation Ceremony in Academic Year 2020/2021: UT Has the Ability To Create Quality Civil Servants

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) once again organized an online graduation ceremony for the second time, on Tuesday (24/11/2020).

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