UT Virtual Visit to RRI Editor Office

The Covid-19 Pandemic does not discourage UT to establish close relationship and collaborate with others. Indonesia Open University made a virtual visit to the Editor’s Office of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia or Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) through Zoom Meeting platform on Tuesday, 9 February 2021. The meeting, attended by the senior official from both RRI and UT, was expected to establish cooperation between Indonesia Open University and Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) with regard to the dissemination of information on education sector in Indonesia.

In his remarks, Vice Rector for  Institutional Development and Partnership Affairs of Indonesia Open University, Rahmat Budiman, S.S., M.Hum, Ph.D., expressed his gratitude for the sincere hospitality of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI). He added the opportunity of potential cooperation between UT and RRI is still widely open. Indonesia Open University and Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) have the same vision which is to improve people’s prosperity for those who are living in both urban and rural areas, especially related to knowledge dissemination.

The Dean of Faculty of Law, Social Science and Political Science, Indonesia Open University (FHISIP-UT), Dr. Sofjan Aripin, M.Si., hopes that with the cooperation, the students of Communication Department would be able to have some practical experiences or apprenticeship directly in the offices of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) which are spread in various cities throughout Indonesia.

The planned collaboration of UT and RRI is welcomed and responded positively by the Director of Programs and Production LPP RRI, Soleman Yusuf. He appreciates the technology that Indonesia Open University has in the development of higher education in Indonesia. He conveyed that Indonesia Open University is an institution that goes beyond its time as it has successfully been able to apply its programs on-line since long time ago as the same programs are just newly operated by conventional universities following the breakout of Covid-19 pandemics.

With its tagline “Once On-Air, Be Always On-Air or Sekali Mengudara Tetap Mengudara”, Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) has been airing since 75 years ago, disseminating all kinds of information through radio. Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) has grown to keep up with the growing technology which will constantly adjust with the need of the people of Indonesia.

For instance, in coping with Covid-19 pandemic, Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) helps the government to conduct an educational program on the Radio, which is called “Learning Program on the Radio or Belajar di Radio”. RRI outreaches the people who find it difficult to access the internet. This program is the solution for learning process that utilizes radio. It is proven by good responses from numerous educational institutions which provide access for their learning programs on the Radio.

Director of Services and Business Development LPP RRI, Anhar Achmad, added that Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) upholds its Three Strong Commitments or Tri Prasetya RRI when executing its duties. Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) takes part in the dissemination of education that would help the realization of Indonesia Excellence or Indonesia Unggul program initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

In the middle of meeting session, Director of the News Broadcasting LPP RRI, Widhie Kurniawan, asked the invited guests from UT to do a tour in the Editor’s Office rooms of the Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI) virtually. He also showed broadcasting rooms, podcast rooms, and editorial rooms, as well as the introduction of a number of staff members of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI).

Later on, the program proceeded with a joint discussion and was closed by the presentation of souvenirs symbolically by the Director of the Center for the Development of International Relations and Partnership or Pusat Pengembangan Hubungan Internasional dan Kemitraan (PPHIK), Dr. Sri Sediyaningsih, M.Si.