Rector Had Virtual Chatting "Ngovibrek" Ngobrol Virtual Bareng with Students

Universitas Terbuka held a Virtual Chatting program, called "Ngovibrek" or Ngobrol Virtual Bareng by the Rector and Students on Monday, 25 January 2020 through Zoom Meeting. The activity was organized in order to maintain close relationship between the Rector of Universitas Terbuka (UT) and the students of Information System and Education Technology Study Programs who were admitted to the University through 2020 National Admission Test For State Universities and Colleges (SNMPTN) Scholarship Award. The occasion was also attended by the top executives of Indonesia Open University Headquarter or UT Pusat, UT Jakarta and UT Serang. This "Ngovibrek" program event is expected to serve as the forum for exchanging ideas and sharing program between the Rector and the students of Indonesia Open University.

Rector’s Virtual Chatting or Ngobrol Virtual Bareng "Ngovibrek" with Students began with the introduction of the Rector, all Vice Rectors, the Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy and Education (FKIP), the Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), the Director of UT Jakarta, the Director of UT Serang, the Head of Information System Study Program (Kaprodi Sistem Informasi) and the Head of Education Technology Study Program (Kaprodi Teknologi Pendidikan). Later on, the program continued with the remarks presented by the Rector of Indonesia Open University, Prof. Ojat Darojat., M.Bus., Ph.D. The presentation was convened by Rahmat Budiman, Ph.D.

In his speech, the Rector of Indonesia Open University stated that the scheme on SNMPTN implemented in Indonesia Open University (UT) is different than that of the conventional universities. Up to now, UT has done the scheme of SNMPTN only through invitation pathway (selected student admission), which has been implemented in a number of Unit of Distance Learning Program UT (UPBJJ-UT) and the students are granted the scholarship. UT screens and selects the prospective students who show outstanding academic performance and are achievers. These UT’s students, who are successfully selected in the SNMPTN, would be exempted from all the tuition fees.

The Rector of Indonesia Open University wish all these UT’s students to succeed while studying in UT, to put forth perseverance, as well as to share their success story to the public. For UT’s graduates, it is expected that they are not only successful academically but also competent to implement their knowledge that they acquire in the society. UT is here with the mission to equally and fairly extend the education access in Indonesia, so all the people of Indonesia would have the opportunity to enjoy and pursue the world-class higher education at affordable costs.