Agreed upon the Three Principles of Higher Education, UT Signed an MoU with UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) as the pioneer in distance learning education (PJJ) has attracted the interest of the State Islamic University UIN Ar-Raniry to work together with UT. The cooperation was realized by signing the Memorandum of Understanding by UT and UIN Ar-Raniry in the development of the Three Principles of Higher Education Institutions or Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Such cooperation was signed by the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D and Rector of UIN Ar-Raniry, Prof. DR. H. Warul Walidin, AK., MA on 10 November 2020 which was taking venue at the Operation Room - BKUK. By this collaboration, it is expected that both parties would be able to synergize in the development and management of online learning innovations.

In his remarks, the Rector of UT warmly welcomed the trust that the State Islamic University UIN Ar-Raniry has put in UT. Prof. Ojat added that for 36 years, UT has been organizing the distance learning education (PJJ) and it is therefore UT is the one and only higher education institution which applies the single mode system. UT was officially appointed by the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture to accompany other universities that will design the distance learning education (PJJ) through online learning. UT itself has provided the systems which are ready to facilitate its partners intending to organize the online learning education.

The Rector of the State Islamic University UIN Ar-Raniry expressed his gratitude for a well acceptance from UT. He hopes that they can follow up the Memorandum of Understanding in form of the cooperation in web learning through the internet, so that they can work shoulder to shoulder in developing online learning, and thus, they can contribute more for the underprivileged and innermost regions in around Banda Aceh. UIN Ar-Raniry expects that it would be able to follow all kinds of technology innovations that support the distance learning education (PJJ).