Call for Papers "Opening minds for a sustainable future: Re-orienting ODL to surmount challenges"

34th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU 2020)

Opening minds for a sustainable future:

Re-orienting ODL to surmount challenges

21 - 23 October, 2020

Cinnamon Grand Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Thematic Areas

  • Promoting sustainable development through lifelong learning
  • Innovations in ODL through smart technologies
  • Open knowledge movement - Implications for ODL
  • Learner engagement and motivation in ODL- Challenges and possibilities
  • Best practices in ODL for Education for Sustainable Development
  • Learning analytics in ODL: Potential and challenges

Call for Papers

Submission of Abstracts 10 January – 31 March 2020
Notification of Abstract Acceptance 31 May 2020
Submission of Full Papers 15 June 2020
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance 31 August 2020


Early Bird Registration 1 February 2020 - 30 June 2020
Last Registration for Presenters till 15 September 2020
Registration for Participants till 21 October 2020

 More Information: Conference Website: Email:

Click here to download the Conference poster