UT’s Rector Hosted IKA UT Central Executive Board

The inauguration of Prof. Ojat Darojat as the UT’s Rector for the 2nd period is a great momentum for the Central Executive Board of the UT’s Alumni Association or Pengurus Pusat (PP) Ikatan Alumni Universitas Terbuka (IKA UT) that visited UT’s Head Office in Pondok Cabe, Tangsel (16/9/2021). In addition to congratulating UT’s Rector in persons, UT’s Rector for the 2nd period is a great momentum for the Central Executive Board of the UT’s Alumni Association (PP IKA UT) also wishes to present the agenda of IKA UT for 2021-2022 to Prof. Ojat, as the Chairman of Supervisory Board (Dewas) of IKA UT. Secretary General (Sekjen) of IKA UT, Drs. Leles Sudarmanto, M.M., M. B. A., in the meeting, was accompanied by Chairman I-IV of PP IKA UT, Deputy Secretary General I and II, as well as General Treasurer of IKA UT, and it was conveyed a number of things in relation to IKA UT’s plans in the future. First, the President of IKA UT, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. H. Moeldoko, M.Si., S.IP., who was absent in the meeting, conveyed a message that he felt proud for UT’s achievements to its 37th anniversary in 2021. One of them is UT’s success to work together with UT Serang working together with PP IKA UT organizing Webinar of UT Serang & KA UT Action on “Developing Banten, Safeguarding Clean and Dignified Village Chief Election or Mengawal Pilkades Bersih and Bermartabat” (9/9/21) that could be watched on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDUbcN26SBY. All the board members of PP IKA UT hope that the events can proliferate to UT branches in other areas throughout Indonesia and the executive board is ready to bridge UT with the local government. Second, PP IKA UT plans to hold Regional Meeting or Musyawarah Wilayah (Muswil) which will be followed by the executive board of the local IKA UTs hoping that they will obtain advisory guidance directly from the Office of Vice Rector IV (Institutional Development and Partnership).

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IKA UT who was accompanied by the Secretary of the Supervisory Board of IKA UT, Prof. Dr. Hanif Nurcholis, M.Si., and the member of the Supervisory Board of IKA UT, Maj. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Adi Sudaryanto, S. IP., appreciates the agenda conveyed by PP IKA UT. According to Prof. Ojat, PP IKA UT’s activities are relevant with the current development UT has been performing, especially in good governance and accessibility. Therefore, PP IKA UT is expected to continue to synergize with UT’s Head Office and its local

offices by making a good use of the right momentum. The momentum, such as local chief election or such other significant momentum can be used to provide education for the public in general regarding UT as a higher education institution that provides open and distance higher education (PTTJJ). Vice Rector IV, Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D. added that at present, UT is developing a UT alumni application hoping that such application can effectively mediate the communication between UT and the executive board of IKA UT, and among the UT’s members themselves. In such opportunity, the Executive Board of IKA UT also set an agenda for the signing of Notary Public’s Deed regarding the Alumni Association Ikatan Alumni Universitas Terbuka Duly Incorporated executed by the President, Secretary, and Members of the Supervisory Board of IKA UT who were present, and witnessed by the duly commissioned Notary Public, Maryati Tirtowijoyo, S.H., M.Kn.