

UT’s Rector Hosted IKA UT Central Executive Board

The inauguration of Prof. Ojat Darojat as the UT’s Rector for the 2nd period is a great momentum for the Central Executive Board of the UT’s Alumni Association or Pengurus Pusat (PP) Ikatan Alumni Universitas Terbuka (IKA UT) that visited UT’s Head Office in Pondok Cabe, Tangsel (16/9/2021).

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Inauguration of Regional Executive Boards of UT’s Alumni Association

Taking venue at Universitas Terbuka Convention Center, Pondok Cabe, Tangerang Selatan, on Saturday, 17 April 2021, the Inauguration of the Regional Executive Board of the Alumni Association of Indonesia Open University (IKA-UT) was held for the following Regional Executive Boards of the Alumni Association of Indonesia Open University (IKA-UT): 1. Purwokerto; 2. Pontianak; 3. Medan; 4.

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Webinar and Essay Contest Held at 31st IKA UT Anniversary

Celebrating its 31st anniversary, the Alumni Association of Indonesia Open University or Ikatan Alumni Universitas Terbuka (IKA UT) organized a webinar, titled "Harmony in Diversity To Realize National Brotherhood Based on Just and Fair Economy or Harmoni Dalam Keberagaman Mewujudkan Kerukunan Nasional Berbasis Ekonomi Yang Berkeadilan".

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