Regent of Jembrana Establishes Cooperation with UT

Saturday, 5 June 2021, on the Pura Jagatnatha stage, Jembrana - Bali, the Government of the Regency of Jembrana held a ceremonial event of the 100-Day Work Accomplishment of its Regent, I Nengah Tamba and Vice Regent, IGN Patriana Krisna in the Regency of Jembrana. In such event, the Regent and Vice Regent of Jembrana talked about the activities that have been performed since the time of their inauguration via a brief video. In such event, the Jembrana’s traditional art performance, Jegog, was presented.

The Regent of Jembrana, in his remarks, said that there are many prospective investors who are committed to making investment in Jembrana and they would open up thousand of employments. With the projection of the human resources requirement in the future, the Regent said that it is necessary to prepare the human resources (HR) of excellence from Jembrana. In the current pandemic condition and unfavorable economic condition, it is difficult for the residents of Jembrana to pursue higher education outside their regency. Thus, one program carried out by the Regent is to provide the access to higher education for the people of Jembrana in cooperation with a number of universities. In the ceremonial event of the 100-Day Work Accomplishment of the Regent and Vice Regent of Jembrana, the signing of MoU was also done by the Regent of Jembrana and the Rector of Universitas Terbuka, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. The event was witnessed by UT’s Vice Rector IV, Rahmat Budiman, S.S., M. Hum., Ph.D. and Director of UT Denpasar, Agus Tatang Sopandi, S.Sn., M.Pd.