UT and Lemhannas RI, Together Building Nation Resilience Via Online Education

Under the direction of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, each tertiary institution should take the General Course (MKU) online at the Open University (UT), for various public and private universities already have signed cooperation with UT in taking MKU online. National courses will be used as a government reference that can be taken for all UT students and students outside UT.

Up to this moment, UT is consistent in improving the quality of education. One way of improving them was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UT and the Indonesian National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas RI). This MOU was signed by UT Rector Prof. Ojat Darojat., M.Bus., Ph.D. and the Governor of Lemhannas RI Lt. Gen. (ret) Agus Widjojo. Through this collaboration, it is expected that we can put our focus on developing the MKU of Pancasila and Citizenship Education with the experts’ exchange program, as well as improving the quality of Human Resources through education and training, as well as community service.

In his remarks, the UT Chancellor gave his gratitude to the Republic of Indonesia National Resilience Institute for supporting the development of MKU content with the nuances of national nationalism to safeguard the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). In line with the UT Rector, Governor of Lemhannas RI said that this collaboration supports the national outlook to create strong national resilience.

On the same occasion, Indonesian National Resilience Institute and National Library agreed to sign an MOU to build partnerships in expanding library networks through digital repositories called Indonesia One Search (IOS).