


The 3rd Cyber Education Forum: Student Engagement is the Key to the Success of Online Study

Learning Development in Indonesia Network Unit or Unit Pengembangan Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan Indonesia (UPPDJI) or known as Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I) held the 3rd Cyber Education Forum (CEF), Universitas Terbuka (UT). The theme was presented on "Learning Engagement Model in Virtual Ecosystem" with the invited presenters Prof. Dr. Ir.

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1st Graduation Ceremony in Academic Year 2020/2021: UT Has the Ability To Create Quality Civil Servants

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) once again organized an online graduation ceremony for the second time, on Tuesday (24/11/2020).

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The First Online National Scientific Summit of Teachers

The National Scientific Summit of Teachers (NIST) or Temu Ilmiah Nasional Guru (TING) has been organized regularly every year since 2008 by the Faculty of Pedagogy and Education - the Indonesia Open University (FKIP-UT). This year, the 12th NIST was convened online and broadcast through Microsoft Teams and Youtube UT TV on 25 – 26 July 2020.

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RI Vice President Appreciates UT as Distance Education Pioneer

For the first time in the 36-year course of history of the Indonesian Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT), the graduation ceremony was performed in the internet online, on Tuesday (21/7/2020).

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ASEAN Cyber University Project Visited UT

In order to improve e-learning capacity in higher education in ASEAN, Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) visited Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) for a dialog with a number of officials in UT Head Office at Rectorate Building, Monday (2/12/2019).

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UT and Lemhannas RI, Together Building Nation Resilience Via Online Education

Under the direction of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, each tertiary institution should take the General Course (MKU) online at the Open University (UT), for various public and private universities already have signed cooperation with UT in taking MKU online.

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