Signing of MoU and Memorandum of Agreement between UT and the Local Government of the Regency of Ende 

As state university that implements distance education system (PJJ), Universitas Terbuka (UT) has its regional offices in order to reach out its students and provide education services across the country. Currently, there are 39 UT’s regional offices, which are usually referred Universitas Terbuka’s Regional Office (UPBJJ-UT). With vast coverage areas in various regions, it is important for UT to form partnerships with the local government throughout Indonesia in various sectors. Recently, UT together with the Government of the Regency of Ende set up a cooperation which was entered into in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a Memorandum of Agreement (PKS). The MoU covers the collaboration in education, research, community services as well as local institutional development. As its derivative agreement, a Memorandum of Agreement (PKS) related to the Grants of UT Application in form of Annual Work Program Supervision Automation System or Sistem Automasi Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (e-Eja) and Fraud-Related Complaint Digital Information System or Sistem Informasi Digital Aduan Kecurangan (E-SIDAK).

The signing was conducted in the Garuda Room in the Office of the Government of the Ende Regency (16 August 2022), It was attended by the high-rank officials of the local governments, chiefs of villages and districts in the Regency of Ende. The signing of the MoU was one by Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., the Rector of Universitas Terbuka and Drs. Djafar H. Achmad, M.M, the Regent of Ende. The signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (PKS) was performed by Prof. Dr. Ali Muktiyanto, M.Si., Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs of Universitas Terbuka and Efrem Diakon Aina, SE, the Regional Inspector of the Regency of Ende.

The Regent of Ende warmly appreciated the signing of the MoU and the Memorandum of Agreement (PKS) as with the application granted to the Government of the Regency of Ende, it would enable to operate the government affairs more effectively, efficiently, and transparently. “Ende is the womb of the Pancasila birth as the thoughts and ideas of Pancasila were born when Bung Karno was in exile here”, said Bapak Djafar. He extended his gratitude to UT as this partnership will prevent any illegal practices committed in the government administration.

In his remarks, Prof. Ojat said that he felt grateful that UT is able to assist in its own way by promoting equitable education and its access in the Regency of Ende which is, notabene, the birth place of Pancasila. He hopes that this collaboration will continue to other sectors that will be able to give positive impacts for our beloved mother land. In order to promote the quality and qualification of human resources in local regions, especially government personnel, UT is present to offer some flexibility in university study. “So, the civil servants or ASN do not need to leave their jobs in order to continue their studies in universities to get their degree, post graduate degree or doctorate degree,” said UT’s Rector.