UT Officials Holding Audience with Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang

The Covid-19 pandemic situation never weakens the good intention of Universitas Terbuka (UT) to maintain its good relationship and partnership with the government of the City of South Tangerang (Pemkot Tangsel) where the UT’s Head Office is situated, particularly in Pondok Cabe areas. The top executive board of UT, in this matter duly represented by Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D., the Vice Rector of Institutional Development and Partnership or abbreviated as WR IV who was accompanied by Head of Finance, General Affairs, and Partnership Bureau (BKUK), Wagimin, S,H.,CN., were warmly greeted by the Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang or Tangsel, H. Pilar Saga Ichsan, S.T. in his private working room (Thursday, 2/9/2021). In such meeting, in addition to the tie of partnership, WR IV also conveyed the message from UT’s Rector who has the good intention to offer Universitas Terbuka Convention Center (UTCC) as one of the locations where vaccination is held by the Government of the City. It has gained an overwhelmingly positive response from the youngest Deputy Mayor who was elected to the office in 2020. Pilar himself said that up to now, in the City of South Tangerang, the conduct of the massive vaccination programs is initiated by, among others, the Government of the City itself and the local police headquarter as well as a number of related parties that work together with the local Health Office. However, one obstacle encountered is to find representative buildings or premises with spacious areas with large capacity.

In such audience, Wagimin explained that UTCC with the normal capacity of 2,500 people has served as the venue of mass vaccination four times and all UT’s staff members in UT’s Head Office have been vaccinated two doses. Pilar said that the Government of Banten Province has set the completion of vaccination programs for all the residents of Banten and if the Government of the Coty of Tangsel will organize the massive vaccination program, UT would be engaged. Pilar also conveyed his intention to pay a visit to UT in the near future. At the end of the meeting, WR IV handed over books written by UT academicians and one of which is titled “Academic Dignity or Kewibawaan Akademik” published by UT in 2020. These books were well received by Pilar who is now coincidently preparing the final exam for his post-graduate thesis in Architecture in one of the most well-known universities in Bandung.