Happy Pancasila Anniversary, Happy Implementing Pancasila On Earth

On the 1st day of June each year, Indonesians commemorate the Birthday of Pancasila in order to pay our respect to one of the great Indonesian Proclamators, Mister Ir. Soekarno, who had done so much for this country as the founder of the nation, and in the mean time, that we are committed to Pancasila as the state ideology. The ceremony for the Commemoration of the Pancasila Anniversary on 1 June 2021 was performed offline in front of the Pancasila Building or known as Gedung Pancasila in Jakarta and online which can be watched live by the people of Indonesia. The theme brought up in this year’s commemoration of the Pancasila Anniversary is “Pancasila in Unified Action for Tenacious Indonesia”.

Acting as the Inspector of the Ceremony was the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who was present virtually from the President’s Palace in Bogor or Istana Kepresidenan Bogor. Jokowi wore a traditional custome from the Regency of Tanah Bumbu. Through the commemoration of the Pancasila Birthday, it is expected that we would be able to strengthen the values of Pancasila in our life as one nation and country.

The President expressed that Indonesia faces various challenges, particularly in globalization which can increase the rivalries among different views, values, and ideologies. On one hand, the ever increasing development of science and technology through Industrial Revolution 4.0 as well as 5G connectivity can ease the interaction of the world’s communities and among Indonesians themselves to the most remote areas. On the other hand, the easiness to interact can be used to spread radical transnational ideologies. The President reminds the people of Indonesia to utilize science and technology in good manner and to set Pancasila as the foundation in the development of science and technology. The President also advised all the people of Indonesia that they should be united and moving dynamically to strengthen the values of Pancasila in realizing Advanced Indonesia or Indonesia Maju.

Happy Pancasila Anniversary, Happy Implementing Pancasila On Earth or Selamat Hari Lahir Pancasila, Selamat Membumikan Pancasila.