UT Received Award for its Consistency with the Best Financial Management

Universitas Terbuka (UT) received an award under the category of the Best Institution for the Fastest Submission of Payment Instruction for Master Payroll or Penyampaian Surat Perintah Membayar (SPM) Gaji Induk Tercepat among government institutions and agencies with a large number of employees from the State Treasury and Revenues Office - KPPN Tangerang, Directorate General of State Treasury, Ministry of Finance. This award was presented to UT on Wednesday, beginning March 2023, in the Hall Room of the KPPN Building, Tangerang.

The award will surely add to UT's various achievements in financial management, which always strictly comply with accountability and transparency and prioritize effectiveness, efficiency, and economy. The smart work performed thus far by UT's financial team has enabled them to work quickly and accurately, resulting in UT frequently receiving nominations for its activities in financial management.

On this occasion, the award was presented by the Head of the State Treasury and Revenues Office - KPPN Tangerang to Dr. Milwan, S.Sos., M.Si., the Representative of the Authorized Official of Budget User or Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran (KPA) - Universitas Terbuka in the Budgetary Implementation Evaluation for Budget Year 2022 and the Presentation of the Award for the Budgetary Performance of Outstanding Work Agency or Work Unit in 2022.

In the address on behalf of KPPN, which was presented by Mister Adi Nugroho, an officer from the State Treasury and Revenues Office - KPPN Tangerang, during the award presentation, he said that the award ceremony is part of KPPN Tangerang's appreciation as the Authorized Officer of the State General Treasurer or Bendahara Umum Negara (BUN) for the government agencies or work units that have shown good performance in budgetary implementation. These agencies are counterparts to the State Treasury and Revenues Office - KPPN Tangerang, and the Budgetary Performance Indicators of the State Treasury and Revenues Office (IKPA KPPN) Tangerang reflect the key performance indicators of the work units that have achieved excellent scores. The key performance

indicators for the budgetary implementation of the budget year 2022 have been well executed and have received very good scores. The budgetary key performance indicators or IKPA of KPPN as the General State Treasurer is 96.1, representing the recapitulation of all work units' budgetary key performance indicators or IKPA. Therefore, on this occasion, KPPN Tangerang would like to extend appreciation to the work unit or institution that excels and achieves outstanding accomplishments in budget implementation during the second semester of 2022. There are ten categories of awards that we are presenting today, namely:

1. Award for the fastest speed or time rate in the submission of Payment Instruction for Master Payroll or Penyampaian Surat Perintah Membayar (SPM) Gaji Induk;

2. Award for Minimum Rejection of Payment Instruction (SPM);

3. Fastest Submission of Contract Data Tercepat;

4. Progress of Digipay and KKP;

5. Fastest and Most Accurate Accountability Report on Revenues;

6. Fastest and Most Accurate Accountability Report on Expenditures;

7. Fastest Fulfillment of the Requirements for Channeling Physical, Specially-Allocated Funds or DAK Fisik;

8. Highest amount of realization for Channeling Physical, Specially-Allocated Funds or DAK Fisik;

9. Highest Amount of Actual Use/Absorption of Non-Employee Expenditure Budget; and

10. Highest Score of Budgetary Performance Indicators (IKPA).

Surely, UT feels proud of the recognition and reward received from the public and stakeholders in the financial sector, as it has been acknowledged on multiple occasions.