UT and the Government of Kuningan Regency Collaborate to Promote HR Quality

As an institution that operates Open and Distance Higher Education (ODHE) with good quality to produce highly competitive graduates, Universitas Terbuka (UT) continues to strive to provide more accessible, improved, and easier access to higher education services that people can benefit from in various regions across Indonesia. UT remains committed to supporting government programs that aim to improve the distribution of higher education access to all social strata. Therefore, Universitas Terbuka (UT) is dedicated to strengthening partnerships with various institutions and agencies, both in the government and private sectors.

On January 26, 2023, UT entered into a cooperation agreement with the Government of the Regency of Kuningan for Human Resources (HR) Quality Improvement and Institutional Development. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by UT's Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus, Ph.D., and the Regent of Kuningan, H. Acep Purnama S.H, M.H. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Drs. Enceng, M.Si., the Director of UT Bandung.

During the same occasion, UT Bandung also signed a memorandum of understanding agreements with three organizations of the Regional Apparatuses (OPD) of the Government of the Regency of Kuningan. These organizations include the Office of Education and Culture (Disdikbud), the Office of Community and Village Empowerment (DPMD), and the Agency of Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM). The signing of the agreements was done by Drs. Enceng, M.Si., the Director of UT Bandung, along with Drs. H. Uca Somantri, M.Si., the Head of the Office of Education and Culture of the Regency of Kuningan; Drs. H. Dudi Pahrudin, M.Si., the Head of the Office of Community and Village Empowerment of the Regency of Kuningan; and Drs. Ucu Suryana, M.Si., the Head of the Agency of Personnel and Human Resources Development of the Regency of Kuningan.

The Regent of Kuningan, H. Acep Purnama, S.H., M.H., stated that the human development index (IPM) in the education sector, as recorded by the Government of the Regency of Kuningan, is only 6.8, indicating the need for improvement. Additionally, the average study duration in school is quite long, raising concerns. However, there has been an increase in the number of students pursuing education in senior high school and equivalent levels. The Regent mentioned SMIKN 1 Japara, which offers various programs such as manufacturing technology, catering industry and food science, and cosmetology, with a total of 1,417 students. This indicates that the average number of students per senior high school is above 1000; some schools even have more than 2500 students. Moreover, the Regency of Kuningan has 18 private senior high schools and seven private vocational schools, showing an increasing interest in education among the local people. The Regent expressed gratitude to UT and the Government of the Regency of Kuningan for their continued partnership through the signing of the MoU, which will facilitate education in the region.

The Regent further emphasized that education is a general requirement for any activity and serves as a fundamental foundation for the future of human resources. For instance, individuals who wish to become hajj pilgrimage liaison officers (PPIH) must hold a bachelor's degree, highlighting education's formal and important role. With approximately 140,000 staff members in government agencies and teachers in the Government of the Regency of Kuningan, a bachelor's degree is a minimal requirement. This allows UT to offer education in the Regency of Kuningan.

The Regent also stressed the importance of scientific competence in education, particularly when supported by valuable experience. However, he emphasized the need for quality education, as a bachelor's degree should not be merely a formality. The Regent expressed confidence that UT will maintain its quality and academic spirit.

Additionally, data from the Government of the Regency of Kuningan shows that approximately 4,000 government personnel serve in over 350 villages. This presents an open opportunity for UT, as the regional government strongly encourages these personnel to continue their studies, and UT can be their university of choice for higher education.

In conclusion, through this partnership, it is hoped that the qualification and competence of personnel and human resources within the Government of the Regency of Kuningan will improve through the implementation of the three pillars of higher education institutions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) and the enhancement of institutional partnerships.