2nd International Conference on Innovation in Open and Distance Learning

For the second time, Research and Innovation Center for Distance Education, the Institute of Research And Community Services of Universitas Terbuka  (PRI PTJJ LPPM-UT) held the International Conference on Innovation in Open and Distance Learning  (INNODEL) 2022 under the theme “Emerging Technology for Open and Distance Education: Opportunity, Agility, and Adaptability”. The event was held on 28—29 November 2022 at ANVAYA Hotel, Denpasar, Bali. The 2022 INNODEL comprised workshop, conference, and exhibition.

This activity is intended to bring up the latest issues and make innovation in open unversity that need to be developed in order to promote the fairly distributed  access to quality open and distance learning (ODL). INNODEL encourages the dissemination of innovation of ODL so that it gives the chance for ODL to be more effective and inclusive. INNODEL is the forum for educators, practicioners, policy makers, and education technology providers that they can share interests. It is undeniable that ODL will become the primary tool in building human capacity since the quality, flexibility, and inter-operability will facilitate the new digital learning ecosystem.

The conference was officially opened by the Rector of Universitas Terbuka on Tuesday, 29 November 2022 which was marked by striking the gong by the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. and Assistant I Regional Secretariat of Bali Province, Gede Indra Dewa Putra represnting Governor of Bali. Opening the event started on 28 November 2022 with a workshop, which was made by Director of the Institute of Research And Community Services of Universitas Terbuka or LPPM UT, Dra. Dewi Artati Padmo., M.A., Ph.D, preceeded by Prof. Daryono’s report as the committee chairman.

The keynote speakers of the activity consist of (1) Dr. Martin Dougiamas, the Founder and CEO of Moodle; (2) Prof. Ir. Tian Belawati, M.Ed., Ph.D., Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia; (3) Professor Benedict du Boulay, Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of Sussex, United Kingdom; (4) Professor Patricia B. Arinto, Ed.D., Dean University of the Philippines Visayas – Tacloban College., Philippines; (5) Sridhar Sunkad, Regional Director - EON Reality, Singapore; and (6) Dr. Ethel Joan Atienza, INNOTECH, SEAMEO. In addition, INNODEL 2022 was held in blended way (offline and onlne) attended by 250 participants from many countries in Asia and Africa, such as India, Pakistan, Palestine, Malaysia, Philippines, Nigeria, and Indonesia. All INNODEL participants consist of UT Presenters 138 people, non-UT Presenters UT 20 people, UT Participants 11, non-UT Participants 5, Master-Doctorate students 6.

INNODEL promotes the dissemination of innovation in Online Distance Learning (ODL) potentially making ODL more effective and inclusive as INNODEL is the forum for educators, practicioners, policy makers, and education technology providers that they can share interests.

It is undeniable that ODL will become the primary tool in building human capacity since the quality, flexibility, and inter-operability will facilitate the new digital learning ecosystem.

"We believe that the support and contribution from many parties will strenghten the future of open and distance learning," said Prof. Ojat Darojat.

Prof Ojat explained at the pers conference, that UT has got blessing in disguise, as the number of student participation has risen so significantly, such as the rise in Denpasar, which was only thousands of students in the beginning and now it is tens of thousand.

Assistant I Regional Secretariat of Bali Province, Gede Indra Dewa Putra added that the government of Bali Province also supports online learning by provide more and more free Wi-Fi in a number of spots across Bali areas. It is one form of collaborations that the government of Bali Province has provided, which will possibly makes the student participation number increase due to the easy access to the internet connection that will ease the study needed with UT.