UPN Veteran Jakarta and USK signed Memorandum of Agreement on “Promise UT”

Universitas Terbuka (UT) collaborates with UPN Veteran Jakarta and Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) on Procurement Information System UT (ProMISe) as goods and services procurement program information system on Friday (19/08/2022) at the Promise Quality Center Building UT, 3rd Floor. The Memorandum of Agreement or Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was signed by the Rector of Universitas Terbuka, Prof. Ojat Darojat M.Bus. Ph.D, the Rector of UPN Veteran Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak. CPMA, Vice Rector II of USK, Prof. Dr. Marwan, S.si., M. Si, together with their staff members.

In his remarks, Prof. Ojat highly appreciated the visiting of UPN Veteran Jakarta and USK to UT for the signing of the cooperation agreement. He also stated that the shift of the governance and administration of the goods and services procurement has experienced a great leap in line with the advancement of Information Technology and Communication (ICT). According to him, Information Technology and Communication (ICT) has transformed everything and created some impacts on education, in terms of both the internal management such as learning and teaching activities as well as teaching materials and the administrative services.

In connection with ProMISe, Prof. Ojat explained that ProMISe has given good total margin to UT starting from HPS 11 billion which can save up to 50% with better quality, faster process, and lower prices. With the use of such technology, there is no manual work process anymore. Therefore, he hopes that with the super apps ProMISe, university management and administration can be improved.

Furthermore, in her speech, the Rector of UPN Veteran Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak. CPMA, extended her appreciation to UT as UPN is a new state university that still needs guidance in terms of goods and services management. He hopes that UPN and UT would be able to work together well.

The final remarks were given by the USK’s Vice Rector II, Prof. Dr. Marwan, S.si., M. Si. He expressed his appreciation to UT for the time of joint learning regarding the super apps ProMISe. He hopes that the application can be used for distance learning system when USK transforms into Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University.

The event continued with the signing of agreement between UT and UPN Veteran Jakarta which was done by Prof. Ali Multiyanto, UT’s Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs and Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs of UPN Veteran Jakarta witnessed by the Rector of UT. Subsequently, it was followed by the exchange of gifts by the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat, and the Rector of UPNVJ, Prof. Dr. Erna.

In the meantime, the signing of agreement between UT and USK was done by Prof. Ali and Prof. Marwan, USK’s Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs, which was witnessed by the Rector of UT. Later, the signed was followed by the exchange of gifts by the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat and USK’s Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Marwan. The event ran smoothly and was concluded with a joint photo session.