UT Graduates in Hong Kong Ready To Compete in Competency Building of Indonesian Human Resources.

The Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT) held a Graduation Ceremony of UT-Hong Kong 2022 on Sunday, 17 July 2022 on Hybrid (online and offline). The Graduation Ceremony convened from BNI Hong Kong Building was also attended virtually by UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D.; Director of Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN), Dr. Pardamean Daulay, S.Sos., M.Si.; Chairman of the National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BP2MI) represented by the Director of Human Resources Development Center, Ahnas, S.Ag., M.Si.; the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong, Ricky Suhendar; the Consul of Education Social and Culture of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesian (Pensosbud KJRI) Hong Kong, Thedora Elfani Prassanti; as well as General Manager BNI Hong Kong, Endah Tjahyani.

In her report, the Administrator of the Study Group Universitas Terbuka in Hong Kong, Ms. Natma Emy, S.S. expressed her thanks to UT’s Rector and his staff members, to Director of PPMLN and his staff members, who have provided one of the best distance education services, so that the study group or Pokjar UT-Hong Kong can give its best services for the students’ smooth education with UT-Hongkong until completion. In this graduation ceremony, the total number of UT-Hong Kong graduates is 28, consisting of 8 (eight) graduates from Study Program of English Literature on Translation Specialization, 9 (nine) graduates of Management Study Program, 2 (two) graduates of Accounting Study Program, 4 (four) graduates of Communication Study Program, 3 (three) graduates of Business Administration Study Program, and 2 (two) graduates of Law Study Program. The best graduates in the Graduation Ceremony UT-Hong Kong were Nunik Choiru Nikmah from Communication Study Program with CGPA of 3.72; Nurhidayah of Business Administration Study Program with CGPA 3.50; as well as Ainul Hidayah of English Literature Study Program in Translation with CGPA of IPK 3.45.

Director of Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT), Dr. Pardamean Daulay, S.Sos., M.Si., in his address, said that Universitas Terbuka will officially be the Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). It is expected that as PTN BH, UT will be able to promote highly competitive HR with adequate competence, especially the competence of Indonesian Migrant Workers. It is also hoped that when they return to Indonesia in days to come, they would build the beloved country and nation optimally. He gave an advice in his remarks, “Working while studying in university is not easy, yet education is a never-lost investment.”

UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., in his address said that UT will remain committed and innovative in realizing the mission of university programs for all. The expansion of accessibility to the education services is the main priority of UT, which to serve the people at its best, for the people who are both in Indonesia and abroad. UT’s Rector added that with its vast coverage of accessibility as well as the supports by 39 offices of Distance Learning Education Units – Universitas Terbuka (UPBJJ-UT) and one Overseas Student Management Center, he is optimistic that UT would be able to expand its wings overseas such that the Indonesian migrants would be able to work while studying.  He also stated that today the total number of UT’s students abroad is 2.245 and as many as 207 students are in Hong Kong. The figures are deemed still low if compared to the data on the total number of migrants workers in Hong Kong. UT’s Rector hopes that the graduation ceremony can support the capacity building of the Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) as one vision of BP2MI to protect the Indonesian Migrant Workers from the top of the head to the tip of the toe.

From the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong, Mister Ricky Suhendar, in his remarks, said that the graduates are the real proof that commitment, self-discipline, and efforts are important in order to achieve the future goals, as well as it also motivates other Indonesian Migrant Workers to continue to spread positive spirits in both working and education.

The representative of the National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BP2MI), Mister Ahnas, S.Ag., M.Si., as the Director of Human Resources Development Center, gave his remarks saying that Indonesian Migrant Workers are the “hero” for generating foreign revenues (pahlawan devisa), and they are extraordinary fighters. He congratulated 28 UT’s graduates who are all the Indonesian Migrant Workers. BP2MI thanked to UT for its collaboration in providing education access to the migrant workers, especially those who are in Hong Kong, in order to continue to develop themselves. BP2MI will certainly fully support the continuous partnership for promoting education which will in turn affect the improved job performance of the migrant workers who work in foreign countries.