UT and the Government of the City of Jambi Signed MoU

Universitas Terbuka (UT) continues to expand its collaboration and partnership networks with numerous parties in order to perform the Three Principles of Higher Education Institution (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). Recently, UT and the Government of the City of Jambi agreed to sign an MoU on the implementation and provision of Education, Research and Community Services. The signing was done desk-to-desk by Dr. H. Syarif Fasha, S.E., M.E., the Mayor of Jambi and Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. the Rector of Universitas Terbuka. Taking venue at the meeting room, 1st floor, UT’s Rectorate Building, on Wednesday (15/06/2022), UT and the Government of the City of Kota Jambi held a live discussion as an initial step and furtherance of the MoU.

The discussion was led by Rahmat Budiman,S.S., M.Hum., Ph.D., UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership and Mohamad Andri Al Varabi, S.E., M.E., Head of Cooperation Division, Regional Secretariat Office of the City of Jambi. In addition, there were also present Yasir Riady, M.Hum, Director of UT-JambI Regional Office, Ir. Maha Putrajaya Utama, Staff member of partnership section of UT Jambi Regional Office, Maya Maria, S.E., M.M  Director of the Center for the Development of International Relations and Partnership (PPHIK) as well as a number of expert staff from UT’s rectorate office.

Mister Rahmat Budiman hopes that this collaboration would provide great benefits for both UT and the Government of the City of Jambi. The Mayor of Jambi represented by Mister Andri Al Varabi, extends his appreciation for UT’s contribution to the City of Jambi. It is recorded that the number of the UT’s students in Jambi Province reaches around 8000. He expected that the implementation of the partnership between the Government of the City of Jambi and UT would be realized in the near future.