Kick Off UT’s 38th Dies Natalis and National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week 2022

Annually, Universitas Terbuka (UT) always celebrates its anniversary to show the gratitude to the One and Only Almighty God for all the achievements that UT has made up to now. In this 2022, UT will celebrate its 38th Dies Natalis or Anniversary. The expression of gratitude to God has always been offered in each and every second for the blessing that UT has been bestowed upon so it can take part in promoting education in Indonesia. Commencing the series of the anniversary events, on Wednesday (22/06/2022), UT performed the Opening Ceremony of the UT’s 38th Dies Natalis and National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni Nasional UT) 2022.

The event was held in hybrid, which is both offline taking venue at Universitas Terbuka Convention Center (UTCC) UT’s Head Office in Pondok Cabe, and online by all the employees who are in the Headquarter and across all 39 Distance Learning Education Units – Universitas Terbuka (UPBJJ-UT) throughout Indonesia, including the participants of Disporseni Nasional UT 2022 in their respective locations. This big event was attended by UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., who was accompanied by the staff members of UT’s Vice Rector. In addition to the Rector and the staff members of UT’s Vice Rector, the program was also attended by UT’s former Rector in 2001-2009, Prof. Dr. M. Atwi Suparman, M. Sc., as well as UT’s former Rector in 2009-2017 who is now serving the Chairman of the UT’s Professors Council, Prof. Ir. Tian Belawati, M.Ed., Ph.D, together with all the members of UT’s Professors’ Council.  In addition, all UT’s Directors of Institution, Heads of Bureau, and Directors of Center were also present in the offline event.  There were also attending representatives of the UT’s loyal partners, such as Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, and Bank BSI.

After showing Video Kaleidoscope of UT’s 37th Dies Natalis and National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni Nasional UT) 2021, as well as all attendees’ singing the National Anthem “Indonesia Raya” and “Hymne Universitas Terbuka”, a prayer was invoked to open the program led by Drs. Syaeful Mikdar, M.Pd. He expressed the gratitude to the One and Only Almighty God as the series of the UT’s 38th Dies Natalis and Disporseni Nasional UT 2022 are being held in order to strengthen the sense of family ties (silaturahmi) with the spirit of togetherness and brotherhood. All the invited guests also invoked for the good of UT in performing its mission to improve the dignity and position of the people of Indonesia in education.

Dr. Sofjan Aripin, M.Si., the Chairman of Disporseni Nasional UT 2022, presented his report on the event. The UT’s 38th Dies Natalis has a theme of “Bouncing Back and Moving Forward Together in the UT’s New Order as Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) or Bangkit dan Maju Bersama dalam Tatanan Baru UT PTN-Badan Hukum”. The activities of the UT’s 38th Dies Natalis in 2022 will be lit up by 21 different programs that are categorized into three main themes, which are Academic Dignity Activity or Kegiatan Kewibawaan Akademik; Governance Quality Improvement or Peningkatan Mutu Tata Kelola; and Accessibility and Services Improvement or Peningkatan Daya Jangkau dan Layanan. In addition, as one of the event series of the UT’s 38th Dies Natalis, there is also held the UT’s National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni Nasional UT) 2022 with the theme on “Sportive, Innovative, and Firm in the UT’s New Order as as Legal Entity State University.” The Disporseni Nasional, organized regularly by Universitas Terbuka, will consist of 15 (fifteen) branches of competitions and matches, both academic and non-academic. It is expected that the activities will become the media for the participants to promote their talents, potentials, and accomplishments.

Prof. Drs. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., the UT’s Rector, also gave his address. He opened his remarks by extending an appreciation to all parties, both UT internal and external, who have worked together and stand shoulder to shoulder in building UT for the last 38 years such that UT has been able to reach up to this point as of today. Prof. Ojat also called all the invitees and guests to express their thankfulness for the blessings of the One and Almighty God who always bestow upon us such that UT can succeed and stand for 38 years. He also advised us that with the appreciation UT’s 38th anniversary, it should create the spirit for UT to move forward as Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). UT has on its track taken the correct step to accelerate its speed and agility in responding all kinds of dynamics in Indonesia’s higher education institutions. The addressing session was concluded by striking gong by the UT’s Rector as a symbolic mark that the series of the events of the UT’s 38th Dies Natalis and Disporseni Nasional 2022 are officially opened.

UT’s students who have excelled in sports were also invited to join as the guests of the event. Dina Agustin, a student of Faculty of Pedagogy and Education (FKIP-UT) the 1st Winner of Pencak Silat Open Championship, Paku Bumi Open IX International in 2022, together with Kardina Ramadan, a student of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST-UT) who is the 1st Winner of the National Science Olympic Competition of FKIP UISU Science Competition 2022, were taking part in the events reciting the Oath of Athletes.  Additionally, a program called “Meeting with Public Figures” was also held presenting the resourceful persons of 3 (three) UT’s students who are well known in Indonesia, or even in the world. Muhammad Albagir, the goal keeper of the Indonesian National Futsal Team who was awarded the Best Goal Keeper in AFF Cup 2022, was one of the presenters. In addition to Albagir, Marvin Alexa, who is also the anchor of the Indonesian National Futsal Team, as well as the gold medalist of Sydney’s Olympic Games 2000, Candra Wijaya, who was the resourceful person in the Meeting with Public Figure programs. All three presenters are currently the students of the UT’s Faculty of Economics. The primary outline of the three students’ presentation, who have excelled in the international events, is that their key study strategy with their busy schedules following a number of tournaments is TIME MANAGEMENT. With high determination, they get outstanding academic achievements, it is proven by Marvin Alexa (student of UPBJJ-UT Jakarta) who gets CGPA 3.64 and Muhammad Al-Bagir (student of UPBJJ-UT Semarang) gets CGPA 3.45. Thus, UT, with distance learning system that provides study flexibility to its students, can support the athletes to continue their education besides their social responsibility for the nation.

UT also extends its appreciation to the five students who have outstanding achievements. Represented by its Rector Prof. Ojat, Vice Rector for Information System and Students Affairs, Ir. Adi Winata, M.Si., as well as Chairman of Disporseni Nasional UT 2022, Dr. Sofjan Aripin, M.Si., Certificate of Appreciation was presented to the five achieving students. Last but not least, joint photo session was held together with the well achieving students.

Entertaining performances were on stage that amuse the guests. Reog Ponorogo traditional dance which is full of traditional values and meaning, the melodious rhythm of the traditional music instrument of Angklung by the UT’s employees that is promoted by Prof. Tian Belawati, as well as “Go:SiB! Band” as the closing, were all presented to entertain all the guests.

UT has continued to transform into Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). With the current theme of the 38th Dies Natalis, it will create new energy, spirit, and extra motivation for UT to stay committed and to continue to improve its quality as Open and Distance University (ODU). Apart from that, by transforming into PTN-BH, it is expected that UT will continue strengthen an promote its accomplishment and goal to become the leader in Open and Distance Learning innovation. The National Scientific Discussions, Sports and Arts Week or Disporseni Nasional UT 2022 is held with the spirit of togetherness and ties toward the new order as Higher Education Institution as Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). ). The opening of the 38th Dies Natalis and Disporseni Nasional UT 2022 has become the starting point of the series of events to be performed as form of gratitude for the success of UT in the last 38 years. With the collaboration and synergy of all parties involved, the series of the anniversary events will benefit UT in many ways.