Regent Determined: The People of Regency of Agam are UT’s Degree Holders

Partnership has significance for Universitas Terbuka (UT) in performing its business process. Therefore, with its operational outreach of the whole Indonesian territory and even overseas, UT expands its cooperation network with various partners, including the partners of regency governments. 

Cooperation is conducted in the improvement of HR competence within the partner’s work areas or jurisdiction and the improvement of the implementation of Three Principles of Higher Education Institutions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). This cooperation is carried out in order to enhance the quality and accessibility of UT’s services.  

Hence, on Friday, 8 April 2022, the signing of Memorandum of Agreement between UT and the Government of the Regency of Agam was done. The activity was conducted online and taking venue at the Universitas Terbuka Convention Center (UTCC) with the scope of cooperation works in the Improvement of Human Resources Quality and the Implementation of Three Principles of Higher Education Institutions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) in the Regency of Agam. The high-rank officials present in the online event at UTCC from the Government of Agam Regency is the Regent of Agam, Mister Dr. H. Andri Warman, M.M., who is accompanied by Mister Rahman, S.I.P. as the Assistant Regent for Government and People Welfare Affairs, Mister Fauzi S, S.STP, M.A., as the Head of Division. 

UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., said that UT is working together with other parties in the implementation of both academic and operational programs. UT grows with partnership through resource sharing to ensure implementation cost efficiency. The number of its students and alumni is huge and it should improve its massive services. In the pandemic, all universities are operated virtually, and therefore, UT’s presence is to bridge the people by providing them some assistance to the people and the students to access virtual learning materials. The empowerment of the grand design in the networks, both synchronous and asynchronous, is supported by UT. In addition, with the university’s teaching staff members who provide the education virtually, UT is ready to help by sharing online pedagogy. 

The HR capacity building in the Regency of Agam can be carried out through UT. Its open and distance education is established for: 1) the improvement of education access for the people in remote areas due to geographic and economic obstacles. UT reaches out those who are not at affordable education costs; 2) providing the opportunity for the workers as they are not required to leave their jobs in order to enhance the competence; 3) Increasing university capacity for the students who hold high school diplomas who are academically restricted. UT is there and gives the answer for the students who are not accommodated in the state and private universities that they are dreaming of, as mandated by the government for the equality and fairness to obtain education across Indonesia. 

Regent of Agam, in his remarks, thanked UT’s Rector and his staff members who are willing to accept and execute the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. It has the motto: “Education is a Must or Tidak ada kata Tidak untuk Pendidikan.” Cooperation in education is the vision and mission of the Regency of Agam in order to improve human resources in the Regency of Agam, not limited by age, economy, and geography. It is expected that all the people of Agam will hold a degree and become more educated. Throughout history, many prominent figures are from Agam and Bukit Tinggi as they have cultural ties and there are also many national dignitaries from the region, such as Bung Hatta, H. Agus Salim, who were from Bukit Tinggi or Agam. Hence, the Regent of Agam would really like to build its reliable HR capacity by establishing cooperation with various universities, including UT. Mister Andri Warman said that he hopes that the implementation of the cooperation networks with UT in education may realize and accomplish its goals, which is all Civil Servants (ASN) in the Regency of Agam would become bachelor degree holders. It matches the UT’s motto, reaching out the unreached or menjangkau yang tidak terjangkau.