UT Adds New Graduates in Graduation Ceremony for UT’s Study Group in Singapore

Overseas Students Management Center or Pusat Pengelolaan Mahasiswa Luar Negeri Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT) virtually held Certificate of Graduation Presentation Ceremony or Upacara Penyerahan Ijazah (UPI) for UT’s Study Group in Singapore on Sunday, 13 March 2022 through Zoom Meeting application. The event was attended by:  UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership, Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D.; Acting Education and Culture Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore, Ratna Lestari Harjana, S.H., M.Si.; the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore, H.E. Suryo Pratomo; Chairman of the National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers (BP2MI) in the occasion represented by the Deputy Chairman for the Placement and Protection for American and Pacific Regions, Drs. Lasro Simbolon, M.A.; Head of Overseas Students Management Center of Universitas Terbuka (PPMLN-UT) Dr. Pardamaian Daulay, S.Sos., M.Si.; the Coordinator of Study Programs in Singapore, Fajar Krisna Caturangga, M.Si. 

In his report, the Coordinator of Study Groups in Singapore, Fajar Krisna Caturangga, M.Si., expressed his gratitude to UT’s Rector with his staff members as well as Head of PPMLN and his staff members, who have provided them with the best distance education so that the UT’s Study Groups in Singapore can in turn give its finest services to the students in order for them to finish their study smoothly in Singapore. The total number of this year’s UT alumni in Singapore is 33 graduates, consisting of various Study Programs or Majors, including, among others: English Literature 8 graduates, Communication 3 graduates, Accounting 9 graduates, Government Science 3 graduates, Public Administration 2 graduates, and Management 8 graduates. The best three graduates are: the First Best, Loli Loliyanti (Bachelor Degree Program of English Literature in Translation Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences or FHISIP with CGPA 3.53); the Second Best, Sukempy Widyastuti (Bachelor Degree Program of English Literature in Translation - FHISIP with CGPA 3.38); and the Best Three, Ratini (Bachelor Degree Program of English Literature in Translation - FHISIP with CGPA 3.20). 

Head of PPMLN, Dr. Pardamaian Daulay, S. Sos., M.Si., said that the support for the education in Singapore is one extraordinary way and devotion for the graduating students who are Indonesian Migrant Workers that, from the outset, are determined to develop and improve their personal competence and capacity by working and simultaneously studying at UT. Gratitude is extended to all parties who have provided their assistance so that the graduation ceremony is done successfully. 

UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership, Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D., expressed an apology from the Rector of Universitas Terbuka as he is unavoidably absent in this graduation ceremony as at the same time, he has to attend another activity in which he cannot be represented. In his remarks, Rahmat Budiman brought up the most current discourse which is now the mainstream in Indonesian education which is the efforts to “Build the 2045 Generation for the Nation or Menyiapkan Generasi Bangsa 2045”; the generation that will mark the century age of the Republic of Indonesia. This generation is distinctively identified by two important phenomena which presence is clearly noticed, which are the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) in almost all aspects of human life, and the transparency or openness in the utilization of the advancement of ICT as globalization consequence. Dealing with these two important phenomena demands UT to have more active roles for the birth of this Generation by the utilization of ICT. Therefore, in line with UT’s vision to become or toward ‘the world class quality Open and Distance Education Institution in providing higher education products, as well as in implementing, developing, and disseminating information on open and distance education or PTTJJ, UT must endeavor to utilize the information and communication technology (ICT), in providing both the academic services and non-academic to its students. 

In the remarks of the Acting Education and Culture Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore, Ratna Lestari Harjana, S.H., M.Si., she expressed her gratitude and pride for the 33 graduates’ achievement and perseverance for the graduation. The accomplishment of these Indonesian Migrant Workers is good exemplary for other migrant workers here and also for the people of Indonesia to build their personal capacities. It is hoped that their accomplishment can be followed by other workers as well as the people of Indonesia. 

In the remarks from the Representative of BP2MI, the Deputy Chairman for the Placement and Protection for American and Pacific Regions, Drs. Lasro Simbolon, M.A., he stated that he feels incredibly proud and impressed with the graduation of the Indonesian Migrant Workers who finish their education on that day. Indonesian Migrant Workers heroically become the sources of foreign revenues (pahlawan devisa), extraordinary fighters, and he congratulates all the 33 UT graduates in the occasion as they are all Indonesian Migrant Workers. 

The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore, H.E. Suryo Pratomo, said that he is very proud of the UT’s graduates who have finished their education. In his speech, he stated that it can be a form of capital toward more advanced Indonesia. We are approaching the Golden Indonesia or Indonesia Emas 2045, but if it wants to be one of the most developed and strongest countries, huge efforts are required. The challenge is to improve the Indonesia education quality. Education is the most important investment. Increase the number of bachelor graduates and then have sufficient basic education. He hopes for UT, “The people of Indonesia who are willing to study at UT are not limited to Indonesian Migrant Workers only, and instead, they are also Professional Workers, Ship Crews, housewives who accompany their husbands working in Singapore, and any persons who really want to study in UT, as UT’s distance education is the realization of the mandate contemplated in the Constitution UUD 45 article 31 paragraph 1,” he uttered. 

Congratulations are also expressed by Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., to 33 UT’s graduates for their perseverance so that they are able to complete their study. He hopes that with the knowledge they gain, they would be able to improve their career in their employment. He thanked UT’s Rector together with his staff members, the state representatives of Indonesia in Singapore who have provided all the facilities to UT’s students as the members of Study Groups Singapore such that they can finish their education. His messages are that they should continue to have the vigor to study throughout their life, develop their personal capacities, and always make more achievement.