Building Entrepreneurship Spirit for Indonesia Young Generation

The development of creative economy is not free from the roles of young generation as “the store of creativity and innovation” as productive resources. One form of creative ideas includes that it can open the new business by building the spirit of entrepreneurship in order to quest for success opportunity. 

Universitas Terbuka (UT) or Indonesia Open University as the pioneer in distance learning innovation, has contributed in rejuvenating the potential and inspiring the public in general, especially UT’s students. Hence, UT, particularly Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences (FHISIP) UT together with the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) held a hybrid event of Stadium Generale II at MPR RI’s building, Jakarta, on 29 March 2022. The event was opened by UT’s Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., Chairman of MPR RI, H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A. is the key note speaker in the program. We are aware that Mister Bambang Soesatyo is one of the UT’s alumni majoring in Public Administration of FHISIP-UT. 

In his speech, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. explained that today Indonesia is facing two disruptions at the same time: the disruption of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and the disruption of global pandemic Covid-19. “We like it or not, education institutions that used to performing conventional face-to-face learning in university class rooms, many of them, are now applying network learning strategy.” 

In such occasion, UT’s Rector also emphasized that the students elect the spirit of entrepreneurship. As he remarked, "This is UT’s strategic issue and ideal goal. We would like to see and take the students not only to gain success academically, but also to live prosperously in the community. One of the ways is to build the spirit of entrepreneur." 

In such general study, Mister Bambang Soesatyo, or often called Bamsoet, said that one of the efforts to accomplish success is by doing entrepreneurship, supported by the capability of skills in digital technology. Bamsoet stated, now young generation enters two worlds: factual world and virtual world which give promises of many things to the creative youths. "In this context, we are urged to follow all the changes in various aspects of life; economics, politics, social-culture, and also education," expressed Bamsoet. 

In the same opportunity, Dr. Ari Juliana, M.A., senior lecturer of Business Administration – UT, iterated that young generation is the key of the economic growth in post-pandemic Covid-19. “The key is that the economic recovery can be achieved, if it is supported by the entrepreneurship which utilizes the continuously advancing information technology.” 

The same is said by a young entrepreneur and Samsons’ ex-vocalist, Bambang Reguna Bukit, often called Bams Samsons. Bams urged the students who were present in the session to always use every opportunity and find their passion in building the spirit of entrepreneurship. “Do whatever our passion is,” said Bams.