Looking Into Further Collaboration of UT - Untan Pontianak in MBKM

Indonesia Open University or Universitas Terbuka (UT) held a virtual meeting with University of Tanjungpura (Untan) Pontianak which was attended by top officials of both universities on Friday, 16/07/2021. The meeting was a discussion forum that explores the possibilities of collaboration in Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) or Freedom to Study-Independent Campus program initiated by Ministry of Education Culture Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

In his remarks, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Untan Pontianak, Dr. Ir. Radian, stated that Untan Pontianak looks to establish cooperation with UT in Freedom to Study-Independent Campus program (MKBM). He added that UT is the right institution to learn in the development of online learning education for Untan Pontianak. Online learning is the answer in order to maintain the learning and teaching process during this Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully, the cooperation with UT in Freedom to Study-Independent Campus program can be implemented any time soon and started by the month of August.

UT’s Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership, Rahmat Budiman, M.Hum., Ph.D., appreciates the Untan Pontianak’s plan on the collaboration which has been expedited for implementation. UT offers various schemes of cooperation and can be adjusted with the Untan Pontianak’s requirements. The implementation of MBKM at UT can be done for students who are studying in their 5th, 6th and 7th semesters. Furthermore, the meeting continued with a technical discussion on the implementation and planned formation of a small team.