UT’s Rector Present at Jaya Suprana Show

Jaya Suprana, known as a successful entrepreneur and the Founder of Indonesian Record Museum or Museum Rekor Indonesia, invited the Rector or Universitas Terbuka (UT) Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus. Ph.D. to be present online in Jaya Suprana Show, Tuesday (8/6/2021). Jaya Suprana Show is broadcast in the Youtube platform and presenting many presenters in various fields of expertise discussing on the world’s current affairs.

The talks started with the expression of appreciation by Jaya Suprana extended to UT’s Rector who was attending the program online. Jaya said that the Covid-19 pandemic has altered various global systems, including education.

UT’s Rector told the story on how UT establishment was initiated which is primarily intended to evenly distribute the opportunity and access to higher education for the people of Indonesia. With the term “Terbuka” or Open, UT provides higher education services with open and distance education system for Senior High School Graduates (SMA) with no exception.

According to Ojat, UT responds to the issue on the university’s capacity that can accommodate the students which occurs to the conventional universities. Learning at UT uses distance education mode (PJJ) by putting forward self-learning. Both digital and printed teaching materials that UT has can be understood independently since it is self-contained based. Learning can be done with no assistance required from others and can be studied anytime.


Ojat added that the breakthroughs that UT has comprise development of online examination by utilizing online proctoring, and the students can do their exams anywhere without necessitating them to enter the examination rooms personally.

Jaya Suprana expressed his amazement, and gave his respect and appreciation to the founders of UT. UT has realized the social justice for all the people of Indonesia. Jaya appreciates the quality that UT has maintained to date and the quality of the higher education that it has provided at affordable costs.

Today, UT is mandated by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to manage the Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE Institute) together with its partners in providing the online learning system nationally.