ICE-I, Universitas Terbuka and ADB Webinar Series on Blockchain Technology for Higher Education

Institute of Cyber Education (ICE), Universitas Terbuka hold a webinar on 30 September 2020. The webinar was sponsored by Asian Development Bank (ADB) the higher level technology fund grant from the government of japan. The theme of the seminar was “Introduction to Europass and Europass credential transfer”. Rector of UT, Professor Ojat Darojat gave the opening speech of the webinar.

In his opening remark, UT’s Rector warmly appreciated the webinar and truly support the capacity building on the current blockchain technology. He believes that this webinar will give most benefit to all participants. He also expected all participants to actively contribute to webinar. Following the Rector’s opening remark, Dr. Anthony Camilleri gave his presentation of the Europass and Europass Credential convened by Professor Daryono, Director of Research and Innovation Center of UT.

Blockchain technology grows faster recently, including Europass. Europass is a joint education digital credential system among European member states. Its function is to promote interoperability of learning system and to provide job information and linkages in Europe. Europass benefits stakeholders such as higher education institutions or employers, as well as jobseekers. Jobseeker may ease to advertise his/her talent through the integrated Europass platform. In addition, it has verification system to ensure safety and avoid fraudulence.

The webinar was participated by about 500 participants and actively post the questions duting QA session. After the question and answer, Prof Daryono closed the webinar. This webinar is a successful collaboration of ICE-I, UT and ADB, Higher Level Technology Fund from the Government of Japan. It is assured that Blockchain technology such as Europass will improve higher education system in Indonesia, as well as opening more access toward global job market for Indonesian citizen. At the end, Prof. Daryono thanked all participants and sponsor organization for their contribution, and we wish to see you again in the next webinar.