National Scientific Discussion, Sports Week and Art (Disporseni) of UT 2019

In the event of the 35th Anniversary of the Universitas Terbuka (UT) Lustrum VII, UT held a National Scientific Discussion, Sports Week and Art (Disporseni) of UT 2019 which lasted for nine days from 28 August to 5 September 2019 at the UT Central Office, Pamulang, South Tangerang. The theme raised at the UT 2019 National Disporseni this time is "Strengthening Nation's Connectivity Through Sportivity and Creativity".

This activity was attended by 571 participants and 128 Officials from 39 UPBJJ-UT, UT Foreign Student Management Center (PPMLN) representative , and 8 other State and Private Universities namely, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Muhamadiyah University Jakarta, Sultan Ageng University Jakarta Tirtayasa, Pamulang University, Pakuan Bogor University, Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University, Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, and Merdeka University Malang.

The contests and competitions in this activity are divided into three branches, namely, Scientific Discussions which include Debate Contests and Information Technology Innovation Competitions, sports including badminton, table tennis and chess, and art which includes dance and singing competition.

The opening ceremony of the UT 2019 National Disporseni took place at Thursday, August 29th 2019 at the UT Convention Center (UTCC). The event was opened with a defile from each region and university, followed by singing Indonesia Raya and Universitas Terbuka hymn. The following agenda was a speech from the UT Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. In his speech, the Rector hopes that this activity can make students become more enthusiastic in carving achievements not only nationally but also internationally, also with the participation of other universities is expected to strengthen relations and uphold sportsmanship among each other.

The second speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ismunandar as Director General of Learning and Student Affairs (Director General of Belmawa) Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. He hopes that this activity can increase sportsmanship and creativity for a better Indonesia because sportsmanship and creativity are very important for the development of intelligence.

The event was also attended by Deputy Governor of Banten, H. Andika Hazrumy, S. Sos., M.AP. He wishes UT to become one of the universities that could improve the quality of human resources for the development and economic progress even further, especially in the province of Banten.

The event continued with the “bedug” drum by the Director General of Belmawa, the UT Rector, Chairperson of the 2019 Disporseni Committee, and the Vice Rector for Information Systems and Student Affairs as a sign of the opening of the 2019 National Disporseni event. After the “bedug”, the ceremony proceeded with a colossal dance performance featuring various regional dances from Sabang to Merauke, followed by athlete's oath sworn by the competing students. The ceremony was concluded with a brilliant performance by the UT’s own choir team.