Tampere University of Applied Sciences visited Indonesian Open University

In order to develop distance learning, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) visited Indonesia Open University (UT) at the Plenary Room Rectorate Building or Ruang Sidang Gedung Rektorat 1st Floor, Thursday (10/01/2019). This visit is one of the commitments made by TAMK for the capacity building of Indonesia Open University in various countries, including Indonesia Open University located in Indonesia. This activity is called BUKA (Better Universities and Knowledge for All) which focuses on advancing equality and access to higher education through open and distance learning. The meeting was attended by a number of high-rank officials from UT and TAMK which was represented by Dr. Marko Teräs, Ph.D, as Project Specialist, Dr. Hanna Teräs as Principal Lecture, and Esa Kujansuu, Senior Lecturer.

Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus, P.hD., the UT’s President, in his speech, explained that UT is currently  developing three categories of distance learning, namely on-line long distance learning, the combination of on-line and classroom full-time programs, as well as fully classroom program. UT’s President also added that the number of active students is now 300,000 coming from various regions throughout Indonesia and overseas with 1.7 million students have graduated from the university.

At such meeting, Dr. Marko Teräs, Ph.D, explained that TAMK has the experience in developing on-line learning and pedagogy. He hopes that through the cooperation with UT, he would be able to develop the distance learning program massively with the target of all the UT students. Dr. Hanna Teräs added that before implemention the overall program, it is necessary to develop a pilot project and to conduct the evaluation so that appropriate programs for UT can be determined. The meeting continued with a hospitable discussion.