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UT Teams Up with the Indonesian Embassy in London to Enhance Its Outreach

On August 9, 2023, Universitas Terbuka (UT) and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in London successfully established an online collaboration during the Universitas Terbuka Socialization event.

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FKIP Hosts Visiting Lecturer Event: Addressing Education Equity Challenges in the Country

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Terbuka (FKIP UT) is wholeheartedly committed to enhancing the quality of its educators by expanding their knowledge resources through various avenues.

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UT Achieves Higher Webometrics Ranking in 2023

Universities across the globe are engaged in a competitive race to enhance the quality of their services in various domains, encompassing teaching, learning, research, publication, community service, and the dissemination of academic information through university web

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Microcredential: A New Breakthrough in Education!

In its commitment to providing access to education for all, Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICEi) hosted the "The 24th Cyber Education Forum (CEF)" event.

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