Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., Received the Best University Leaders in Obsession Awards 2023

The outstanding accomplishments and recognition from the international community deserve domestic appreciation in Indonesia. Such achievements result from diligent work and processes that consistently maintain quality, producing results that we are proud of. Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., the Rector of Universitas Terbuka (UT), has received the Best University Leaders in the Obsession Awards 2023 award. Prof. Ojat is the chairman of UT, the university that pioneered open and distance education (ODE) in Indonesia. In its development, UT has been appointed by the Ministry to lead quality higher education services in Indonesia for almost four decades. UT is now officially appointed to lead the Indonesian Cyber Education Institute consortium or Lembaga Pendidikan Cyber Indonesia (ICE-I), the marketplace for online learning in Indonesia.

As a leading figure in UT, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D. is recognized for his countless services to national development, particularly in opening access to higher education across Indonesia. The recipients of these awards are selected from individuals who strive and persevere in producing outstanding work and dedicate their lives to the people of Indonesia. It is worth mentioning that Prof. Ojat has recently been awarded as the best education leader in Asia for 2022 by CEO Insight Asia magazine. He also holds the office of the President of the Association of Open Universities (AAOU) for the term of 2023-2025, an association comprising all open universities throughout Asia.

Prof. Ojat received the award for the Best University Leaders in the Obsession Awards 2023. On this occasion, he was represented by the Vice Rector for Institutional Development and Partnership Affairs, Rahmat Budiman, S.S., M.Hum., Ph.D., along with representatives from other universities who also received awards in different categories. This distinguished group includes Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si., Rector of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT, Rector of Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Unikom), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., IPU, A.Eng., Rector of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Thus, UT stands alongside other renowned universities.

Several prominent public figures who have received the 'Obsession Awards' include Joko Widodo (when he was Governor of DKI Jakarta), KH Ma'ruf Amin (when he was the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council or MUI), Surya Paloh, Anies Baswedan (when he was Governor of DKI Jakarta), Jahja Setiaatmadja (President Director of BCA), and other notable figures.

Regarding the recipients of the awards, the short-listed nominated candidates have been carefully and thoroughly selected based on their outstanding achievements and track records. These nominated candidates, with noteworthy accomplishments, come from various fields, including individuals, enterprises, and corporations. With this in mind, this event will inspire others and motivate them to strive for outstanding achievements for our beloved nation and country.

The 'Obsession Awards' 2023 ceremony is held simultaneously with the celebration of the 19th anniversary of Obsession Media Group (OMG) at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (8/3/2023). The highlight of the Obsession Awards 2023 ceremony is the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mister Joko Widodo, in recognition of his significant contributions and dedication to the Indonesian people and nation.