The 28th KSF: Strategy and Tips for Success in Following MBKM IISMA Programs

Flexibility and mobility are non-negotiable in the current dynamic era. The current demand and development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) have forced everyone and every social group to move with agility and flexibility. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the paradigm in society, leading to expedited digitalization in all sectors, including higher education. Through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemendikbudristekdikti), the Government of Indonesia has taken steps to prepare university students to be competitive and of superior quality as the nation's young generation. One such initiative is the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), which is part of the Freedom to Study-Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, MBKM) program. IISMA offers scholarships to university students who wish to study overseas for one semester. This scholarship allows students to learn new things outside their study program and gain hands-on experience abroad.

Universitas Terbuka (UT), as a higher education institution in distance learning and open university, is committed to supporting the programs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Additionally, one UT student, Muhammad Bijaksabara Himawan, has successfully become an alumnus of the IISMA 2022 program. As a testament to UT's commitment to supporting IISMA, UT held "The 28th Knowledge Sharing Forum" (KSF) with the theme "Strategies and Tips for Success in the Freedom to Study-Independent Campus (MBKM) IISMA Program".

The 28th KSF was held online on Friday, January 13, 2022, and was broadcast live on the YouTube UT-TV channel. The forum focused on IISMA and featured three expert speakers: Dr. Eng. Ir. Rachmat Sriwijaya, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., Head of the IISMA Program; Muhammad Bijaksabara Himawan, an alumnus of the IISMA 2022 program and a student of the Government Science Study Program at UT; and Hendrikus Ivoni Bambang Prasetyo, M.Si., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at UT's Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science. UT's Rector, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., was also present at the event, which attracted over 1,600 viewers on UT-TV.

The forum began with remarks from UT's Rector, who expressed his hope that the KSF would inspire students who aspire to study abroad and provide them with support and assistance. He emphasized the dynamic nature of the world and the need for students to be prepared and globally competitive. UT has strived to become a leader in utilizing technology in open learning and distance education (PTTJJ) and fully supports the Freedom to Study-Independent Campus (MBKM) initiative. UT holds the KSF as a means of supporting MBKM, as it is its duty not only to create successful individuals but also to see them succeed as active members of their communities, locally and globally.

The first speaker, Dr. Eng. Ir. Rachmat Sriwijaya, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., presented an overview of the IISMA program. He highlighted that IISMA aims to create global leaders ready to excel domestically and internationally. The program offers students the opportunity to study at the best universities in the world, explore their interests beyond their major, experience new cultures, and develop international networks while earning 20-semester credit units recognized by their home institution. Dr. Rachmat also discussed the requirements, benefits, and partnerships of IISMA, revealing that out of 7,501 applicants in 2022, 1,155 students were admitted as awardees from 72 partner universities across four continents.

The next speaker, Muhammad Bijaksabara Himawan, an alumnus of the IISMA 2022 program and a UT student majoring in Government Science, shared his experience studying at Korea University for four months. He encouraged more UT students to participate in IISMA and become successful alumni. Bijaksabara highlighted the courses he took at Korea University, which were not directly related to his major, and discussed his academic and non-academic experiences, including joint projects and travels. He advised aspiring IISMA awardees, emphasizing the importance of motivation, understanding regulations, English language proficiency, a well-curated portfolio, and finding a mentor for guidance.

Lastly, Hendrikus Ivoni Bambang Prasetyo, M.Si., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at UT's Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science, explained how UT students who participate in the IISMA program can have their courses abroad credited as 20-semester credit units at UT. He discussed the requirements for UT students applying to IISMA, such as being a non-transfer student, not currently employed, not an international student, and having registered courses at UT. During the interview, Bambang Prasetyo emphasized the importance of comprehensive documentation, including an essay on achievements and community involvement, and demonstrated good verbal communication skills.

UT organized the KSF as part of its mission to enhance students' competence and quality. The forum demonstrated UT's support for the MBKM program and IISMA initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemendikbudristekdikti). Through these efforts, UT contributes to creating a high-quality generation of internationally recognized youth.