UT Rector Attending Open Education Leadership Summit 2018

Rector of Indonesian Open University or Universitas Terbuka, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D, accompanied by Vice President 1 and Coordinator for Protocol and International Affairs, attended Open Education Leadership Summit 2018 which was held at The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France on 3-4 December 2018. This activity is ICDE’s annual program.

The event started with an opening ceremony which was guided by ICDE’s Secretary General, Prof. Morten Flate Paulsen. Furthermore, it continued with the first speech by Oliver Faron, General Administration, le CNAM., and then the second speech was made by Audrey Azoulay, General Director of UNESCO., and thereafter, the third speech was given by Brigitte Plateau, Director of DGESIP, French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, Belinda Tyan, ICDE’s Chairman, and the last speech was by Sophie Touze, OEC’s Chairperson.

This year, Open Education Leadership Summit 2018 was attended by 180 participants from 50 countries from all continents. The purpose of the summit was to build the network of the world’s leaders, to connect all forms of open education programs, to exchange the knowledge on the objectives and opportunities, to create top-down approach and support for bottom-up activities, to draw up the initiative texts and to plan the use of planning map, to communicate the joint initiatives in coordinated, participative, cooperative, as well as mutually shared manners.

For two days, the participants were encouraged to build the networking by developing the roadmap with the assistance from the facilitators so that the cooperation can be established in more concrete manners. In addition, the event was filled with the exposures in 6 panel sessions discussing important issues on distance learning and education, such as the true meaning of the transparency in distance learning, testimony on distance learning, and distance learning and SDGs.