


North Kalimantan Governor Officiated New Building of UPBJJ-UT Tarakan

As one effort to improve the quality of services and accessibility, especially in North Kalimantan Province and its vicinity, Universitas Terbuka (UT) has built the office of Distance Education Program Unit of Universitas Terbuka Tarakan (UPBJJ-UT Tarakan). The building is located at Jl. Mulawarman No.234, Karang Anyar, Tarakan Barat, the City of Tarakan and has been officially inaugurated.

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UT Comes to Brunei Darussalam

There are around eight thousand Indonesian Citizens (WNI) currently living in Brunei Darussalam. They involve in various fields of works and professions enhancing their experience abroad. This is a challenge for Indonesia Open University (UT) to serve the Indonesians living abroad to earn higher education degree even though they are away from their home country.

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